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2019-01-08 1251 0
饰演阿赫尼雅(Aheneah)的安娜·马丁斯(Ana Martins)最近在葡萄牙维拉·弗兰卡·德希拉(Vila Franca de Xira)的一堵墙上进行了交叉缝合式的创作,她反思了年轻人放松的自由,捕捉到了这种感觉。这位22岁的艺术家离从学生到成人的转变过程并不遥远。多年来,每天都有成千上万的孩子从这堵墙经过,从家到学校,从学校到家。大部分的时间只是漂浮在他们的思想中,迷失在空间、时间和例行公事中。直到它们的路径不得不改变方向。

Ana Martins, who works as Aheneah, recently reflected on the relaxed freedom of youth and captured that feeling in a cross-stitched intervention on a wall in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal. The work is along a popular route to a local school, and is comprised of over 2,300 screws and nearly 760 yards of yarn.The 22-year-old artist isn’t far from the experience of transitioning from student to adult. Martins shares with Colossal, “Every day, for many years, thousands of kids pass by this wall while going from home to school and from school to home. Most of the time just floating in their thoughts, lost in space, time and routine. Until their paths have to change directions. This happened to me a few years ago.”She graduated in 2017 with a degree in graphic design, and in her professional work explores the connections between digital and analogue mediums, seeking to  “deconstruct, decontextualize and transform a traditional technique into a modern graphic, connecting cultures and generations.” You can see more from Martins on Instagram and Facebook.