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2019-01-08 1527 0
Dr . Allan Drummond,生物化学与工程学副教授,他在芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)管理德拉蒙德实验室(Drummond Lab)。他对进化和细胞结构的兴趣呈现出一种不同的、有形的形式。德拉蒙德从化石深处的记录中精确地复制生物,特别注意它们腹部的细节,这些细节往往会随着时间的推移而消失。细节贯穿始终,既引人入胜,又具有深远意义,值得了解和研究。这种意想不到的有趣细节感正是他试图在雕塑中捕捉到的。每个生物都是由德拉蒙德利用科学参考资料,包括私人收藏的标本,进行数字化雕刻的。然后,他们通过3D打印蜡,最后失去蜡铸造在青铜和手工完成。雕塑照顾到了最小的细节,包括鳃,触角,腿,甚至细胞分裂的线粒体。

Cell DivisionBy day, D. Allan Drummond is Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at The University of Chicago, where he runs the Drummond Lab. After hours, his interest in evolution and cellular structure takes a different, tangible form. Drummond constructs exacting replicas of creatures from the deep fossil record, paying specific attention to the detail of their underbellies, which are often obliterated by the passage of time. Drummond shares with Colossal:So far, as a scientist, I’ve been on a slow journey to the bottom, to the deepest level of detail, from seeking to explain patterns of evolution spanning the tree of life, to probing how cells react to their environment, to tinkering with the pieces and parts of molecules swarming inside those cells. The details go all the way down, remaining absorbing and also consequential, worth knowing about and studying. That sensation of unexpectedly interesting detail is what I try to capture in my sculpture.Each creature is sculpted digitally by Drummond using scientific references, including specimens from private collections. Next, they are 3D printed in wax, and finally lost-wax cast in bronze and finished by hand. The sculptures are rendered down to the smallest detail, including gills, antennae, legs, and even mitochondria in cell division. Drummond shares his in-progress and completed pieces on Instagram and several works are available for sale on his website as jewelry or decorative artifacts.Trilobite, Ceraurus SpeciesTrilobite, Ceraurus SpeciesTrilobite, Ceraurus SpeciesTrilobite, Ceraurus SpeciesTrilobite, Ceraurus SpeciesSphinx Moth, Hyles LineataSphinx Moth, Hyles LineataSphinx Moth, Hyles LineataTrilobite, Hoplolichas Furcifer, in processTrilobite, Hoplolichas Furcifer