匈牙利纤维艺术家Agnes Herczeg继续创作关于安静时刻的精致描绘。作品由彩色花边和木头组成,每个小场景漂浮在半空中,附着在一块木头上。在之前的作品中,Herczeg使用了不同寻常的形状的木片作为场景的图形元素,而在她最近的作品中,木片充当了框架。

Hungarian fiber artist Ágnes Herczeg (previously) co
ntinues to create delicate depictions of quiet moments. Formed from colorful lace and found wood, each small scene floats in mid-air and is attached to a piece of wood. Wher
eas in previous work, Herczeg used unusually shaped wood fragments as part of the figural elements of the scenes, in her more recent pieces the wood acts as a f
rame. You can see more of the artist’s work on her website and Instagram.