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2019-01-15 2169 12
米兰画家阿尔多·塞尔吉奥(Aldo Sergio)用绘画来扭曲感知,创作肖像和静物画,模糊了数字与现实、传统与当代之间的界限。在他的一幅画中,三个穿着牧师服装的男人好奇地看着一串像素化的香蕉,而在维多利亚时代一个家庭的另一部分,从他们的脸到传统服装,都被像素化成矩形线条。在第三幅作品中,一对夫妇在室内盆栽植物前摆姿势,一只腿模糊的母鸡站在他们的脚边。塞尔吉奥用传统的绘画方法捕捉维多利亚时代家庭的肖像、盛满水果的碗和鸟儿,然后用一些小的“小故障”覆盖这些物体,使它们变形。塞尔吉奥在物体、人与空间之间建立了紧张关系,他小心翼翼地画出了类似闪光的故障,给他的作品带来了一种不寻常的运动,与传统绘画的沉静与严肃形成了鲜明对比。

The Milan-based painter Aldo Sergio uses paint to warp perception, creating portraits and still life paintings which blur the boundary between the digital and the physical, and the traditional and the contemporary. In one of his paintings, three men in clerical clothing look inquisitively at a pixelated bunch of bananas, and in another parts of a Victorian family, from their faces to conventional garments, are pixelated in rectangular lines. In a third piece a couple poses before a selection of indoor houseplants while a hen with a blurred leg stands next to their feet.Sergio uses traditional painting methods to capture portraits of Victorian families, bowls of fruit, and birds, and then distorts these objects by covering them in small ‘glitches.’ Sergio builds tensions between objects, people and space, and his carefully painted glitch-like malfunctions to give his artworks an unusual movement, making a stark contrast to the stillness and seriousness of traditional paintings.His solo exhibition at Galleria Patricia Armocida in Milan runs until the 30th of November, 2018. You can see more of his pixelated paintings on his website and Instagram.