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2019-01-15 1929 0
来自SP25 Arquitectura的David Oliva和来自Atelier 4工作室的Anna Junca共同合作,用普通的算命师折纸造型创造了这壮观的熔岩流,作为在加泰罗尼亚举行的LLUERNIA光与火节的一部分。他们需要超过10,000张折叠的纸来创作作品,这些作品从下面被照亮,并通过烟雾机进一步被赋予生命。这幅名为“折纸熔岩”的作品被贴在了奥洛特的一座废弃建筑上。奥洛特是一座被休眠火山包围的城镇。

As part of the recent LLUÈRNIA festival of light and fire in Catalonia, collaborators David Oliva of SP25 Arquitectura and Anna Juncà of Atelier 4 created this spectacular flow of lava using common fortune teller origami figures. Over 10,000 folded pieces of paper were needed to create the work that was illuminated from underneath and further brought to life with smoke machines. Titled simply “Origami Lava,the piece was affixed to an abandoned building in Olot, a town surrounded by dormant volcanoes. You can see more at SP25 Arquitectura. (via Colossal Submissions)