克里斯托弗·佩恩花费数年时间来联系普通铅笔公司,剩下的最后一个铅笔工厂在美国。他与工厂的合作得到了回报,在2015年秋至2017年夏期间,佩恩被允许进入生产车间拍摄照片三十多次。这位摄影师,以他的电影图像闻名,这些图像展示了建筑优雅的制造空间,分享了他对设计、装配和工业过程的毕生痴迷。“铅笔是如此简单和普遍,“但制作一部电影是一个异常复杂的过程,当我看到其中涉及的所有步骤,其中很多都是手工完成的,我知道这将是一部引人注目的视觉叙事电影。”佩恩获得了建筑学学士和硕士学位,尽管他在职业生涯中一直专注于摄影。他出版了三本书,并广泛展出了自己的作品,最近的一次是在英国伦敦的韦尔科姆收藏馆(Wellcome Collection)和纽约城市博物馆(Museum of the City of New York)。

All photographs © Christopher Payne /EstoPhotographer Christopher Payne (previously) spent several years building a relatio
nship with the owners of General Pencil Company in Jersey City, New Jersey, one of the last remaining pencil factories in the United States. His dedication to working with the factory paid off, and between fall 2015 and summer 2017 Payne was granted access to the production floor for photo-docu
mentation more than thirty times.The photographer, renowned for his cinematic images that show the architectural grace of manufacturing spaces, shares that he has held a lifelong fascination with design, assembly, and industrial processes. “The pencil is so simple and ubiquitous that we take it for granted,Payne tells Colossal. “But making one is a surprisingly complex process, and when I saw all the steps involved, many of which are done by hand, I knew it would make for a compelling visual narrative.”Payne received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture, though he has long focused on photography in his professio
nal life. He has published three books and exhibited his work widely, most recently at the Wellcome Collection in London, U.K. and the Museum of the City of New York. You can see more of his work on Facebook and Instagram.