KonkreteGifs的本杰明·齐默尔曼(Benjamin Zimmermann)使用铅笔和Stabilo标记创建手绘几何动画,探索立方体,六角形,和其他角的形状。这些物体以石墨灰度或彩色阴影的形式在空间中移动、移动和翻滚。“我真的很喜欢gif,因为它们必须很短,但同时要有无限的循环,”这位德国艺术家对《giant》杂志解释说。“我真的很喜欢手绘gif动画中不稳定的角色,它们有一些3D动画所缺少的人性。”2013年,齐默尔曼开始在Tumblr上每日发布一个立方体项目,每天发布与立方体相关的图纸、图片或gif图。365天之后,齐默尔曼停止了定期发帖,但他仍然用自己最喜欢的立方gif格式更新网站。他的新项目KonkreteGifs的灵感来自于20世纪三四十年代的一场几何抽象运动——混凝土艺术。

Benjamin Zimmermann of KonkreteGifs uses pencils and Stabilo markers to create hand-drawn geometric animations. Cubes, hexagons, and other angular shapes are presented as three-dimensio
nal explorations on plain white or gridded paper. The objects move, shift, and tumble across the space either in graphite grayscale or technicolor shades.“I really love GIFs because they have to be short, but at the same time infinite loops,the German artist explained to Colossal. “… I really like the unsteady character of my hand-drawn GIFs, they have something human that my 3D animations were missing. There are always little errors in my work.”In 2013 Zimmermann began a Daily Cube project on Tumblr wher
e he posted drawings, images or GIFs related to cubes each day. After 365 days Zimmermann ceased regular posting, however he still updates the site with some of his favorite cubed GIFs. His new project Ko
nkreteGifs was inspired by Co
ncrete art, a movement towards geometric abstraction in the 1930s and 40s. You can see his new work on Tumblr and follow him on Twitter. (via Cross Connect)