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2019-02-03 1380 0
梅里科尔生产的空灵设计火化遗体内定制的玻璃珠。Coor手工制作每一颗珠子,先将玻璃熔成圆形珠子,然后将设计从灰烬中螺旋出来,最后用一层透明玻璃将设计封口。对于每颗珠子,她不仅要取半茶匙的骨灰,还要一张死者的照片、信件或故事,这样她就可以在制作首饰的同时建立起一种个人联系。科尔制作玻璃珠已经有15年了,但直到去年她才开始将骨灰融入他们的设计中。在Coor的解释下,我的珠子制作现在给了我一个新的目的和一种向他人致敬的方式,无论是在世的还是过世的。定制珠子可以由这位加州艺术家通过她公司的网站Ash beads或她的Etsy提出要求。(通过笑乌贼,无聊熊猫)

Merry Coor produces ethereal designs from cremated remains within custom glass beads. Coor crafts each bead by hand, first melting glass into a round bead, then spiraling the design out of ashes on top, and finally sealing the design with an outer layer of clear glass. For each bead she not only requests a 1/2 teaspoon of ashes, but also a picture, letter, or story of the deceased so she can develop a personal connection while forming the piece of jewelry.Coor has been making glass beads for about 15 years, but it wasn’t until last year that she began incorporating ashes into their designs. After this development Coor explained, “My bead making now gave me a new purpose, and a way to honor others, both living and passed.”Custom beads can be requested by the California-based artist either through her company’s website, Ash Beads, or through her Etsy. (via Laughing Squid, Bored Panda)