Los Carpinteros是一个以哈瓦那为基地的艺术家团体,目前由Marco Castillo和Dagoberto Rodriguez(第三位成员Alexandre Arrechea, 2003年离职)组成,他们的作品包括雕塑、装置和电影。我最喜欢他们的作品是这些可爱的抽象画的乐高和其他结构或建筑作品。通过肖恩凯利画廊:感兴趣的艺术和社会之间的交集,该集团融合建筑,设计,雕塑在意想不到的,往往幽默的方式。他们创造装置和图纸来协调功能性和非功能性之间的空间。这个团体优雅而又充满讽刺意味的雕塑、绘画和装置作品的灵感来自现实世界——尤其是家具世界。他们精心设计的作品用幽默来利用视觉语法设置对象和函数内部矛盾
以及实用性和无用。对于Los Carpinteros来说,绘图作为一种模拟的技术草案或蓝图形式发挥了不可或缺的作用,它不仅暗示着一种艺术精雕细琢的过程,而且还暗示着一种建筑或木工计划的形式。你可以在他们的网站上以高分辨率浏览他们的100多幅画作,不要错过2008年海沃德画廊(Hayward Gallery)一个爆炸房间的360度互动浏览。(信仰就是折磨)

Los Carpinteros is a Havana-ba
sed artist collective currently comprised of Marco Castillo and Dagoberto Rodríguez (a third member, Alexandre Arrechea, left in 2003) who produce a wide range of works including sculpture, installation, and film. My favorite of their works are these lovely abstract paintings of Legos and other structural or architectural pieces. Via Sean Kelly Gallery:Interested in the intersection between art and society, the group merges architecture, design, and sculpture in unexpected and often humorous ways. They create installations and drawings which negotiate the space between the functio
nal and the nonfunctional. The group’s elegant and mordantly humorous sculptures, drawings, and installations draw their inspiration from the physical world—particularly that of furniture. Their carefully crafted works use humor to exploit a visual syntax that sets up co
ntradictions among object and function
as well as practicality and uselessness. For Los Carpinteros, drawing has played an integral role as a mock technical draft or form of a blue print that suggests not o
nly a process of artistic elaboration but also a form of architectural or carpentry plans.You can explore over 100 of their paintings in high resolution on their website, and don’t miss this interactive 360 degree walkthrough of an exploded room at Hayward Gallery in 2008. (via faith is torment)