台湾艺术家Han Hsu-Tung(之前)熟练地用木块雕刻人物,添加和删除立方段,使每只鸟,手和人看起来好像他们正在变形成一个单色的像素阵列。这些作品暗示了我们与屏幕的关系,呈现出我们看待世界的方式越来越分散。你可以在Flickr上看到更多韩的胡桃木、柚木和非洲蜡木雕刻作品。

Taiwanese artist Han Hsu-Tung (previously) skillfully carves figures from blocks of wood, adding and eliminating cubed segments that make each bird, hand, and human look as if they are morphing into a mo
nochromatic array of pixels. The works hint to our relatio
nship with the screen, presenting the increasingly distracted way in which we view the world. You can see more of Han’s carved walnut, teak, and African wax wood works on Flickr.