今年6月,Pejac在巴黎的演讲取得了成功,他在这个夏天休息了一段时间。现在,Pejac回到了自己的工作室,为他在美国纽约的首演开发新作品,并准备在年底发行特别限量版。他把自己最知名的技术和媒介融合在一起,通过Instagram分享了一些诱人的新作品,包括最新的绘画作品和压实木板上的作品。早在2017年1月,这位西班牙艺术家就首次在救赎系列中介绍了这些迷人的木质刨花板作品,并最终于2017年9月在威尼斯举办了一场以这些作品为主题的展览。他以反复思考自己的想法和概念而闻名,最近他完成了这篇令人心酸的新作品《狩猎》。Pejac将之前看到的一些图像混合在一起,比如带着聚光灯的巡逻直升机,或者一只孤独的雄鹿。Pejac将这些图像组合成一幅动态图像,描绘了一只野生动物在野外被未知的权威捕获。他使用了精细的遮阳和光的效果,使用了非传统的复合木材介质,创造了一种强大的效果,即当动物周围的物体破碎时,物体会在动物周围飞舞。艺术家再一次把焦点放在人类对自然漫不经心和无知的态度上,利用他开发的原始技术构建了一幅引人入胜的图像。pejac&# 8217最近在巴黎塞纳河上的一艘旧水道驳船上举办的个展,主题内容类似,包括三幅精湛的大型画作,以及其他纸上作品。这些精心绘制的挂在厚画框上的画作描绘了一个后启示录式的超现实未来,与他的画作质量相匹配,同时以一种直接而微妙的手法描绘了这个沉重的主题。这些照片展示了一个孤独的角色在塑料垃圾之间潜入深海,打捞一个正在下沉的救生圈,或者是一架直升机在沙漠上移动灯塔。这些照片展示了pejacc富有诗意的想象力,以及他以最富有诗意的方式传递尖锐而沉重信息的能力。这种叙事的一个很好的例子是他2015年的油画《醉船》(The喝醉的船),以阿瑟·兰波(Arthur Rimbaud)的一首诗命名。这首诗以支离破碎的第一人称叙事,充满生动的意象和象征主义,描述了一艘迷失在海上的船的漂流和沉没。这幅图与诗意的语言饱和度做了一个类比,两个男孩从一艘小船上划下来,漂到一个被垃圾污染的海洋中。这一最初在他2016年伦敦个展《最弱法则》(Law of the弱者)上展出的令人不安的愿景,仅仅三年前还在上演,如今却在全球不断成为一个令人担忧的现实。你可以看到pejacs的工作正在进行中,通过在Instagram上关注他,你可以了解最新的展示和发布消息。

After taking a much-needed break over the summer following his successful presentation in Paris in June, Pejac is now back in his studio, developing new works for his U.S. debut in New York City and preparing a special limited edition that will be released toward the end of the year. Mixing his most recognizable techniques and mediums, he’s been sharing some of the alluring new pieces via his Instagram, including most recent drawings and works on pressed wood panels.The Spanish artist first introduced the captivating works on wooden chipboard from the Redemption series back in January 2017, and eventually had an entire showcase focused on these pieces back in September 2017 in Venice. Known for revisiting his ideas and concepts, he recently finished this poignant new piece titled Safari. Mixing some of the previously seen imagery, such as patrolling helicopters with a spotlight, or a lo
nely stag, Pejac combines these visuals into a dynamic image that depicts a wild animal caught in the open by an unknown authority. Using fastidious shading and light effects, he uses the unorthodox composite wood medium to create a powerful effect of objects flying around the animal as its surrounding crumble around it. o
nce again putting a focus on the careless and ignorant bearing of humans towards nature, the artist co
nstructed a gripping image utilizing an original technique he developed.With similar thematic content, Pejac’s most recent solo exhibition on an old waterway barge on the Seine in Paris included three masterful large-scale drawings, along with other works on paper. Portraying a post-apocalyptic, surreal future, these meticulously rendered drawings mounted on thick f
rames were matched the quality of his paintings while depicting the hefty subject with a direct and delicate technique. Showing a lone character diving deep to retrieve a sinking lifebuoy ring in between plastic waste, or a helicopter removing a lighthouse over a desert, these images showcase Pejac’s poetic vision and his ability to pass a sharp and weighty message in the most poetic way.A great example of such narrative is his canvas Le Bateau Ivre (The drunken boat) from 2015, titled after a poem written by Arthur Rimbaud, describing the drifting and sinking of a boat lost at sea in a fragmented first-person narrative saturated with vivid imagery and symbolism. Making an analogy with poem’s verbal saturation, the image shows two boys finishing from a small boat drifting through a sea densely polluted with garbage. Originally exhibited at his 2016 Lo
ndon solo show “Law of the Weakest,this troubling vision from o
nly three years ago is repeatedly becoming an alarming reality around the globe. You can see Pejac’s works in progress and stay up to date on show and print release announcements by following him on Instagram.