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2019-01-31 2664 1
奥田圣米格尔近日在波士顿街头展出了七座由色彩鲜艳的雕塑组成的摩天大楼。这位多学科的西班牙艺术家以其对世界各地建筑的多彩干预而闻名,他在波士顿的海港走廊上安装了名为“空中海地”(Air Sea Land)的七个雕塑系列。奥古达的作品高度从8英尺到12英尺不等,包括鹿和松鼠等地区性野生动物,同时也融合了有鳞类人海洋生物和四肢海鸥等神话元素。这是奥古达迄今为止最大的公共艺术项目,由Justkids策划。你可以在Instagram上从奥田硕那里看到更多。

Seven towering sculptures comprised of brightly colored facets have recently landed on the streets of Boston, courtesy of Okuda San Miguel. The multi-disciplinary Spanish artist, best known for his colorful interventions in and on buildings around the world, installed the series of seven sculptures called Air Sea Land in Boston’s seaport corridor. Okuda’s creations range from eight to twelve feet tall, and include regional wildlife like deer and squirrels, while also integrating mythological elements like a scaly humanoid sea creature and a seagull with arms and legs. Air Sea Land which is Okuda’s largest public art project to date, was curated by Justkids. You can see more from Okuda on Instagram.