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由岸本竹弘(Takehiro Kishimoto)将精致的花朵和相互交错的镶嵌图案雕刻成水果和蔬菜

2019-01-29 2561 0
日本厨师和熟练的食品雕刻家岸本武广(前)在他迷人的Instagram账户上探索传统的产品设计艺术。在这里,他贴出了黄瓜、小萝卜和牛油果,它们被转化成精细的图案,并巧妙地呈现出图案,此外还有猕猴桃和胡萝卜,它们会绽放出绚丽的花朵。他最令人印象深刻的设计可能是他的互动苹果和西瓜作品,他把这些作品雕刻成灯笼一样从顶部拉下来。这位广受欢迎的美食艺术家来自日本神户,在过去三年左右的时间里才开始雕刻。他的许多设计都以日本传统图案为基础,但又结合了泰国水果雕刻和日本装饰装饰艺术(Mukimono)的灵感。在下面的视频中,我们来看看他的一些更为复杂的作品。查看这篇文章InstagramA发布共享来雕刻(@gakugakugakugakugaku1)于4月11日,2018年在早上12时41分PDTView InstagramA邮报》上这篇文章共享来雕刻(@gakugakugakugakugaku1)于6月8日,2018年在8:42am PDTView InstagramA邮报》上这篇文章共享来雕刻(@gakugakugakugakugaku1)5月25日,2018年在6:02am PDT

Japanese chef and skilled food carver Takehiro Kishimoto (previously) explores the traditional art of produce design on his captivating Instagram account. Here he posts cucumbers, radishes, and avocados that have been transformed into detailed patterns and skillfully rendered motifs, in addition to kiwis and carrots that blossom into ornate flowers. His most impressive designs might be his interactive apple and watermelon works which he carves to expand like lanterns when pulled from the top.The popular food artist is from Kobe, Japan, and has only been carving for the last three or so years. Many of his designs are based on traditional Japanese patterns, yet combine inspirations from both Thai fruit carving and the Japanese art of decorative garnishing, or Mukimono. Take a look at some of his more intricate work in the videos below.View this post on InstagramA post shared by gaku carving (@gakugakugakugakugaku1) on Apr 11, 2018 at 9:41pm PDTView this post on InstagramA post shared by gaku carving (@gakugakugakugakugaku1) on Jun 8, 2018 at 8:42am PDTView this post on InstagramA post shared by gaku carving (@gakugakugakugakugaku1) on May 25, 2018 at 6:02am PDT