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2019-02-09 1904 0
自从微软收购GitHub一段时间以来,GitHub已经做出了第一个真正意义上的重大改变,这对于中小型设计工作室、自由职业者以及任何为乐趣和利润编写前端代码的人来说都是一个不错的改变:免费用户现在可以获得无限的私有存储库。免费的。没有钱。GitHub一直提供免费的公共存储库,但你必须为私有存储库付费;这一举措鼓励了开源软件的蓬勃发展。但是我个人避免在不止一次的场合使用它,原因有两个:谁真的希望人们在代码准备好之前看到它们?这可能会有点尴尬,尤其是如果你是那种把工作搞得一团糟,然后又把所有东西都清理干净的人。有时你会在保密协议下工作,甚至只是一个握手协议,让事情保持安静,直到他们准备好。公共报告违背了这个目的。现在,GitHub不再是像BitBucket这样的竞争对手,而是为那些不想让所有人都看到所有缺少分号和难以置信的模糊代码注释的人提供的一种选择。好吧,这是一个选择,只要不超过三个人将工作在它。基本上,自由职业者和拥有小型开发团队的工作室。如果您因为这些原因一直在避免使用GitHub,那么现在是时候获得一些GitHub经验了。现在在许多团队中工作几乎是必不可少的,所以进行一些实践是很好的。此外,只要您了解Git及其版本控制的基本概念,GitHub的Windows GUI现在非常好。这就是得到的结果。微软为我们所有从事个人项目的人做这么好的事情能得到什么好处呢?微软得到了媒体的好评。(你现在正在读一些。)微软鼓励更多的人使用GitHub工作和娱乐,这意味着当人们开始自己的企业级项目时,或者当他们是一个更大的团队的一部分时,他们将更倾向于采用这个平台。真的,他们没什么可失去的。企业客户通常一次需要三个以上的开发人员来处理一个项目,所以这并没有影响到他们的业务模型。从长远来看,在他们已经非常庞大的服务器上的一些额外项目值得更多的潜在客户。当我第一次写关于微软收购GitHub的文章时,我相信微软会看到商业机会,不会完全摧毁GitHub及其社区。到目前为止,一切顺利。他们对GitHub和Visual Studio代码的处理给了我希望。现在,只要他们不再摆弄Skype和Windows 10的更新,他们就能给我们留下深刻印象。

GitHub has made its first really big change since Microsoft acquired it a while back, and it’s a good one for small-to-medium sized design studios, freelancers, and anyone who writes front-end code for fun and profit: Free users now get unlimited private repositories. For free. No money.GitHub has always offered free public repositories, but you had to pay for the private ones; a move which encouraged the flourishing of open source software. But I have personally avoided using it on more than one occasion for two reasons:Who really wants people to see their code before it’s ready? That can be kind of embarrassing, especially if your the kind of person who works messy, and cleans everything up after.Sometimes you’ll be working under an NDA, or even just a handshake agreement to keep things quiet until they’re ready. Public repos kind of defeat that purpose.Now instead of heading on over to a competitor like BitBucket, GitHub is an option for people who don’t want everyone to see all those missing semicolons and incredibly vague code comments. Well, it’s an option so long as no more than three people will be working on it. So… freelancers and studios with small dev teams, basically.If you’ve been avoiding GitHub for any of these reasons, now is the time to get some GitHub experience. It’s nearly essential to working on many teams these days, so it’s good to get in some practice. Besides, GitHub’s GUI for Windows is really good right now, so long as you understand the basic concepts behind Git and its version control.So that’s what you get out of it. What does Microsoft get out of doing something so nice for all of us working on our personal projects? Well:Microsoft gets good press. (You’re reading some of it right now.)Microsoft encourages more people to work and play with GitHub, meaning people will be more inclined to adopt the platform when they’re starting their own enterprise-level projects, or when they’re part of a bigger team.Really, they didn’t have much to lose. Enterprise clients typically need more than three developers to work on a project at a time, so it hasn’t cut into their business model. A few extra projects on their already massive servers are worth more potential customers in the long run.When I first wrote about Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub, I believed Microsoft would see the business opportunities in not completely destroying GitHub and its community. So far, so good. Their treatment of GitHub and Visual Studio Code give me hope. Now if only they’ll stop messing about with Skype and Windows 10 updates, they could really impress us.