内容创意不足?用户生成内容(UGC)正成为越来越受欢迎的公司网站填写方式。如果使用得当,它实际上可以为您的业务添加几乎无穷无尽的、高质量的相关内容流。当然,找到将用户生成的内容整合到站点或博客中的正确方法是一个真正的挑战。它必须以这样一种方式进行:既要吸引你的观众,又要巧妙地向大众推销你的业务,而不要让人觉得你是多余的、做作的,或者到处都是。这些创意可以帮助你想出一些独特的方法,以一种对你的品牌有效的方式来利用UGC。在鼓励你的受众制作推销你的品牌的内容时,努力做到真实。获得成功的第一步是在推广和参与过程中做到真实。到目前为止,社交媒体是用户生成内容的最大来源之一,在许多社交渠道上,真实性无疑是缺乏的。因此,为了真正打动你的受众,并促进与你的品牌相关的高质量内容的制作,你需要付出额外的努力。与你的观众互动是激励他们更多互动的第一步。这意味着喜欢他们的评论并做出回应。下一步是发现用户已经创建了与你的品牌相关的内容,并留下一个赞和评论,鼓励他们做出更多。寻找证据和灵感,看看任何强大的品牌,你会看到这种互动。YouTube热门频道背后的品牌尤其意识到这种合作的重要性。从SnowboardProCamp(注册用户低于35万)到Good tale Morning(注册用户超过1400万)等各种品牌,都在使用相同的固定、喜欢和回应正面评论的做法。真实性应该是你的内容营销努力的基础。你的目标是让你的品牌“有吸引力”,在你开始明确要求用户为你制作内容之前,你必须先建立起这种基调和联系。奖励你最优秀的贡献者虽然你可能还没有吸引instagram上最具影响力的人的注意,但如果你突出显示他们将获得的回报,你就会激励用户围绕你的品牌创造更多内容。你会鼓励用户产生更多的内容在你的品牌如果你强调回报却# 8217;我receiveSaying最好的关于你的最新产品将会出现在你的页面,在一般情况下,只显示与内容交互,用户花时间后对你的品牌将帮助你鼓励未来的贡献。在鼓励更多用户生成内容方面,赠品和标签竞争也走得相当远,所以不要回避它们。社交媒体免费赠送的成功例子比比皆是。钢铁之躯举办的摄影比赛就是一个很好的例子,它让数百万人提交照片,并对提交的优秀用户生成内容进行投票。他们每周选出一个获胜者,这刚好够在整个比赛证明是非常赚钱的时候,让事情保持有趣。这个方法的开始涉及到为你的品牌创建一个独特的、易于记忆的、可以在所有地方使用的标签。鼓励使用它可以让人们参与到对话中来,并帮助您更轻松地跟踪用户生成的内容。下一步实际上是围绕特定事件创建hashtags,比如您的业务正在运行的研讨会或您正在构建宣传的产品发布。同样,使用标签的原因是,你可以更容易地跟踪用户在说什么,然后你可以与那些已经加入讨论的人进行交流,从而鼓励他们发布更多的内容,以便更多的人可以发现你的品牌或活动。健身大师何卡西(Cassey Ho)在Instagram @Blogilates上一直使用这种方法。从推广她的新应用程序和锻炼计划(#poppilates)到她独家的运动服系列(#popflex),她为自己建立了一个帝国。让狂热者提前进入当你为新产品造势时,也许没有比让你的品牌的顶级大使们先睹为快更好的方法了。这不仅会给你一些正面的反馈,甚至可能是一个可以用于市场营销的证明,这将给你一个良好的开端,它也将允许第一手使用的产品到达大众上市日前。这种技术被大大小小的品牌所使用,但游戏制造商尤其擅长于这种方法,他们让游戏行业的一些关键影响者能够尽早接触到新发行的游戏,以便在他们使用sa时能够传播信息并为他们创造兴奋感

Running low on co
ntent ideas? User-generated co
ntent (UGC) is becoming a more and more popular means of filling company websites. When used correctly, it can actually end up adding a near endless, high-quality stream of relevant co
ntent for your business to use.Of course, figuring out the right way to incorporate user-generated co
ntent into your site or blog can be a real challenge. It has to be done in a way that engages your audience while subtly marketing your business to the masses without feeling redundant, staged, or all over the place.a near endless, high-quality stream of relevant co
ntent for your businessThese ideas can help you think up some unique ways to utilize UGC in a way that works for your brand.1. Make An Effort to Be AuthenticWhen encouraging your audience to produce co
ntent that markets your brand, the first step in achieving success is being authentic in your outreach and engagement.Social media is by far one of the biggest sources of user-generated content, and authenticity is definitely lacking on many social channels. So, in an effort to truly touch your audience and foster the production of quality co
ntent related to your brand, you need to go the extra mile.Interacting with your audience is the first step to incentivizing them to interact even more. This means liking their comments and respo
nding to them. Next is discovering the co
ntent users are already creating that’s associated with your brand and leaving a like and comment to encourage them to make more.For proof and inspiration, look to just a
bout any strong brand and you’ll see this interaction. Brands behind popular YouTube channels are especially catching on to the im
portance of this engagement.Brands ranging from SnowboardProCamp (under 350,000 subscribers) all the way up to channels like Good Mythical Morning (with over 14,000,000 subscribers) use the same practices of pinning, liking, and respo
nding to positive comments.Authenticity should be the foundation of your co
ntent marketing efforts. The goal is to make your brand “personable” and you have to establish that tone and co
nnection before you can start explicitly asking users to generate co
ntent for you.2. Reward Your Top Co
ntributorsWhile you may not be stealing the attention of Instagram’s biggest influencers just yet, you will incentivize users to generate more co
ntent around your brand if you highlight the rewards they’ll receive in return.you will incentivize users to generate more co
ntent around your brand if you highlight the rewards they’ll receiveSaying the best posts a
bout your latest product will be featured on your page and, in general, just showing interaction with the co
ntent that users are taking the time to post a
bout your brand will help you encourage future contributions.Giveaways and hashtag competitions also go pretty far when it comes to encouraging more user-generated content, so don’t shy away from them. Plenty of successful examples of social media giveaways exist out there.The photo co
ntest run by Man of Steel is a great example, getting millions of people to submit pictures and vote on submissions for some excellent user-generated content. They picked one winner every week, which was just enough to keep things interesting while the whole co
ntest proved extremely lucrative.3. Create New HashtagsThe start of this method involves creating a unique, easy-to-remember hashtag for your brand that can be used all over. Encouraging its use can get people in on the co
nversation and help you track the co
ntent your users are generating with greater ease.The next step is actually creating hashtags centered around specific events, like a workshop your business is running or a product launch that you’re working on building hype a
bout.Again, the reason to use hashtags is so that you can more easily track what users are saying and you can then engage with those who have joined the discussion, thus encouraging them to post even more co
ntent so more people can discover your brand or event.Fitness guru Cassey Ho uses this method all the time on her Instagram, @Blogilates. From promoting her new app and exercise routines (#poppilates) to her exclusive line of activewear (#popflex), she has built an empire for herself since starting o
nly a few years ago, now reaching millions every day.4. Give Enthusiasts Early AccessWhen it comes to building hype for a new release, there is perhaps no better way to do it than to give your brand’s top ambassadors a sneak peek.Not o
nly will this give you a headstart with some positive feedback and perhaps even a testimo
nial that can be used for marketing, it will also allow first-hand use of the product to reach the masses before launch day.This technique is employed by brands big and small, but game makers are particularly on top of this method, giving some key influencers in the gaming industry early access to new releases in order to spread the word and build excitement for them when they go on sale.5. Incentivize Your Best Clients to TestifyCustomer stories (which used to go by the boring name of “case studies”) are ultra-sharable and, luckily for you, oh-so-easy to create in today’s world of smartpho
nes and social media.Customer stories are ultra-sharable and, luckily for you, oh-so-easy to createKajabi is one of the best examples by far of this method. Top users of the e-Course creation platform were given a super sharp, branded t-shirt and asked to get on video and explain how Kajabi has helped them.The hashtag #KajabiHero accompanies story submissions and those that get featured have a real incentive: Kajabi will l
ink back to the user’s own website, which helps to promote the e-Course they have created.6. Create Customer-Centric EventsWhether o
nline or offline, customer-centric events can help your brand take things to a new level. From a Twitter chat to an interactive webinar or even a promotion at a local tradeshow, these engaging events get customers to co
nnect to your brand in a whole new way.They also open the door to repurposing content, gathering feedback, and even creating a photo op that leads to additio
nal UGC that your brand can utilize in more marketing efforts.James Pollard from The Advisor Coach gives countless examples of how he runs customer appreciation events in the realm of financial advising, but any industry can benefit from a customer party that fosters engagement, loyalty, and ultimately leads to some fantastic promotio
nal content.7. Find New Ways to CollaborateLooking to involve user-generated co
ntent more often? The possibilities are simply endless.From asking for feedback and ideas to creating weekly round-up posts and digests, it’s easy to start taking advantage of the great things your users are already saying.A couple prime examples to look to for inspiration include the gear manufacturer Burton, whose product pages feature pictures from real-world users, to the social media marketing platform Buffer, which is always featuring engaging (yet often random) photos from its own followers in a very effective manner.Featured image via DepositPhotos.