cript来显示它们的内容;孩子们,这是一个坏主意™。如果你发现一个你喜欢的想法,想要适应你自己的网站,记住负责任地实施它。robbygraphics从一些现代主义的极简主义和一些插图开始。这是我最近提到的商业友好型设计潮流的一部分,也是这种趋势的一个很好的例子。我唯一的批评是,主页上的英雄图像实际上可以是SVG。PNG是伟大的,但大矢量插图是更好的服务在矢量格式,这些天。平台:WordPressOYup,该设计器名为“O”。一页的作品集就像它的名字一样简单,有简单的排版、屏幕截图和滚动时会改变形状的红色圆点。我不太喜欢那些完全依赖于流畅滚动的动画(我一直关闭它),但总的来说,它是一个很好看的网站。平台:基于Ruby(我认为)定制CMS的Florent biffient Biffi在一种皱褶的布料纹理上以粗体文本脱颖而出?看,效果虽然简单,却相当惊人。我没怎么见过。网站的其他部分都是相当标准的无衬线字体,标题很厚,偶尔会有重叠的元素。第一个引人注目的视觉效果足以让用户自己滚动屏幕,这就是关键所在,不是吗?平台:静态SiteTimo KuilderTimo Kuilder制作了新时代的cip-art风格的插图,看起来比听起来好多了。因此,当然整个网站都倾向于美学,使用一个轻砌体拼贴作品来销售他们的服务。月台:显然是货物和背景。D7 CreativeD7 Creative采用了一种有趣且高度互动的方式,让他们的单页机的每个部分看起来几乎完全不同。我的意思是,这是展示你产品范围的一种方式,对吧?此外,他们有一个功能齐全的游戏蛇,你可以玩。这不是视觉上最一致的方法,但是规则最终是要被打破的。平台:WordPressPlaygroundPlayground融合了企业友好的美学(包括大量的纯蓝色和红色)和不断重叠的后现代主义网页设计元素。也有很多动画,但它足够低调,不会太分散注意力。我很喜欢这个风格,但请不要让我给它起个名字。平台:静止的SiteCamilo AlvarezCamilo Alvarez在怀旧中击中了我。有一个阶段,我几乎对所有东西都使用了一种“胶片颗粒”效果。好吧,电影谷物带着一种动画复仇回来了,覆盖在一种后极简主义的设计上。和大多数这些网站一样,它对我来说有点像js,但是它很漂亮,让我感觉又年轻了,所以它就在这个列表上。平台:WordPressFly DigitalFly Digital非常简约,让我很好地想起了90年代。我通常不推荐正文使用手写字体,但如果正文很小,你也可以不受影响。尽管文本可能更大。我不会在主页上模糊那些客户端徽标,即使你想在鼠标悬停时消除它们的模糊。否则,网站感觉手工制作和老式,没有业余的感觉。这条线走得很好,但他们正在这么做。平台:WordPressepoWher
e其他网站只是感觉现代,epo感觉超级现代。这就像平面设计公司有了一个拥有公司调色板的婴儿。这就像在网页设计中听音乐一样简单。请注意,这些都不是批评。如果它为他们带来了他们想要的客户,那么它就是在做正确的工作。平台:wordpressbreadhead面包头面包头给我们带来了一些经典优雅的黑色布局的极简主义,我们很少看到这些天。薄字体、插图和一种优雅的感觉会让这个设计在你的脑海中停留一段时间。平台:静态SiteMarijn BankersMarijn BankersMarijn银行家的投资组合让我想起了一个动画spa宣传册。白色和粉彩,然后是细字体,细线条的UI元素,所有这些。当你深入到这个网站,它感觉更像一个建筑公司。当你看投资组合的时候就会明白了。他的客户正是那些欣赏这种美学的人。我一直用这种方法强调网站,原因很简单,就是它有效。为客户量身定制的投资组合

Welcome back, WDD Readers. It’s January 2019, and we’re all coming back to work bleary-eyed and bushy-tailed. Why don’t you take a moment to put off wor… I mean get inspired by these new portfolios? We’ve got a fair bit of variety in aesthetics and strategies this month. Enjoy.Note: I’m judging these sites by how good they look to me. If they’re creative and original, or classic but really well-done, it’s all good to me. Sometimes, UX and accessibility suffer. For example, many of these sites depend on Javas
cript to display their co
ntent at all; this is a Bad Idea™, kids. If you find an idea you like and want to adapt to your own site, remember to implement it responsibly.RobbygraphicsRobbygraphics starts us off with some modernist minimalism and a touch of illustration. It’s a part of that business-friendly wave of design that I mentio
ned recently, and it’s a fine example of the trend.My o
nly critique is that the hero image on the home page could really be SVG. PNG is great and all, but large vector illustrations are better served in a vector format, these days.Platform: WordPressOYup, this designer is named “O”. The one-page portfolio is a bare-bo
nes as the name, with simple typography, screenshots, and red blobs that change shape as you scroll.I’m not a huge fan of animations that absolutely depend on havin
g smooth scrolling turned on (I keep it turned off), but overall, it’s a good-looking site.Platform: Custom CMS built on Ruby (I think)Florent BiffiFlorent Biffi stands out in the crowd with bold text on a sort of… wrinkled cloth texture? Look, the effect, while simple, is fairly striking. I haven’t seen it a lot. The rest of the site is fairly standard sans-serif fare with thick headings and occasionally-overlapping elements. That first striking visual is enough to keep a user scrolling all on its own, and that’s the point, isn’t it?Platform: Static SiteTimo KuilderTimo Kuilder makes new-age-ish cip-art-ish illustrations that look… way better than that sounds. So of course the whole site leans into the aesthetic, using a light maso
nry collage of the work to sell their services.Platform: Cargo Combined with Backdrop, apparently.D7 CreativeD7 Creative takes an interesting and highly interactive approach by making every section of their one-pager look almost completely different. I mean, that’s one way to showcase your range, right? Plus, they have a fully functio
ning game of Snake that you can play.It’s not the most visually co
nsistent approach, but rules are made to be broken eventually.Platform: WordPressPlaygroundPlayground is a fusion of the corporate-friendly aesthetic (including lots of solid blue and red) with the constantly-overlapping elements of more post-modernist web design. There’s also plenty of animation, but it’s understated enough that it’s not too distracting. I like this style a lot, but don’t make me come up with a name for it, please.Platform: Static SiteCamilo AlvarezCamilo Alvarez hit me right in the nostalgia. I had a phase wher
e I used a sort of “film grain” effect for almost everything. Well the film grain is back with an animated vengeance, overlaid on a sort of post-minimalist design. As with most of these sites, it’s a bit JS-heavy for me, but it’s pretty and it’s making me feel young again, so it’s here on the list.Platform: WordPressFly DigitalFly Digital is going very minimalist, and reminds me of the ’90s in a good way. I normally wouldn’t recommend a handwriting typeface for body text, but when there’s this little text, you can get away with it. Though the text could be bigger. And I wouldn’t blur out those client logos on the home page, even if you are going to unblur them on hover.Otherwise, the site feels handmade and old-fashio
ned without feeling amateurish. It’s a fine line to walk, but they’re doing it.Platform: WordPressepoWher
e other sites merely feel modern, epo feels super modern. It’s like flat design had a baby with a corporate color palette. It’s like easy listening music in web design form. None of that is criticism, mind you. If it gets them the clients they want, then it’s doing the job right.Platform: WordPressBreadheadBreadhead brings us some of that classic elegant dark-layout minimalism that we don’t see nearly often enough these days. Thin type, illustrations, and an all around classy feel are what will make this design stick in your brain for a while.Platform: Static SiteMarijn BankersMarijn Bankers’ portfolio reminds me, at first, of an animated spa brochure. You know, the whites and pastels, then thin type, the thinly-lined UI elements, everything. As you dive into the site, it feels more like an architecture firm.And then it all makes sense when you look through the portfolio. His clients are exactly those who would appreciate the aesthetic. I keep highlighting websites with this approach for the simple reason that it works. Portfolios tailored to the clients just work.Platform: Static SiteAnvar ShoeAnvar Shoe’s portfolio eschews the aesthetic fusion we’ve been seeing lately for a site that looks positively post-minimalist. It’s artsy all the way with a mostly-one-column layout and effects that, o
nce again, kind of depend on smooth scrolling to look good.Platform: Static SiteYRS TrulyYRS Truly is an interesting case. I’ve previously featured portfolio sites that mimic an operating system, but this one fuses the “windows” gimmick with the general structure and layout of a normal two-column website. It’s odd, but it works, and it uses UI co
nventions that most of us are used to.Platform: WordPressCleverbirdsCleverbirds’ art portfolio is highly presentatio
nal and animated. No points for accessibility here, but if you want some creative and pretty ideas for mo
nochromatic web graphics, look no further. It’s on the list because it’s pretty, and that’s that.Platform: Static SiteJoão PereiraJoão Pereira’s portfolio is just plain pretty; I love the use of color. While the text could use a little more co
ntrast in places, it’s just generally gorgeous. Plus you can click the triangles in the background to see a list of his skills.Sure, that’s not intuitive, but it’s better than any “skill progress bars” I’ve ever seen.Platform: Static SiteKristopher BolleterKristopher Bolleter’s portfolio leads with text that says, “No cliché slogans, just work that speaks for itself.” Well, he might not know how often I use the phrase “speaks for itself”, right?All kidding aside, he lives by that motto, presenting all his featured work on one page in old-fashio
ned iMac illustrations. Man it’s been a while since I’ve seen that instead of the mockup mobile devices. The whole thing isn’t very flashy, but it’s effective and serviceable.Platform: HugoAdrien LaurentAdrien Laurent brings us back to the flashy stuff with their portfolio. It’s post-modernist, presentational, pastel, and loaded with animation (I couldn’t think of an animation-related word that started with “p”).Platform: Static SiteTranslatio
nTranslation takes a generally bold approach, starting with their overall aesthetic, and on to their assertion that “The world doesn’t need another ad agency.” With a mo
nochromatic palette and really big headings, the whole idea seems to be to blast your brain and hope it sticks. Well it’s working for me.Platform: Static SiteAnthony FlorioAnthony Florio’s portfolio is fairly standard modernist, with light artsy touches in the form of randomly placed illustration. And it wouldn’t be a photographer’s portfolio without some sort of collage.Do you ever miss the classic grid full of thumbnails? Nah. Me neither.Platform: Static SiteCorn StudioNo portfolio list of mine is truly complete without someone using yellow right. In this case, it’s the ever-so-appropriately named Corn Studio gracing us with the classic yellow and black, combined with some highly animated minimalism. It’s flat, it’s pretty, and it’s pretty good.Platform: WordPress