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2019-02-06 2196 0
新的一年,新的设计潮流!虽然每个人都在谈论大趋势,比如语音和虚拟现实的设计,但是对于一个更流行的网站,您现在可以看到(和部署)更多直接的设计元素。从没有图片的网站,到伪装成内容的电子商务,再到亮蓝色的一切,让我们来看看这个月的趋势。没有“艺术”在卷轴上面你有没有注意到有多少网站没有图片或视频在卷轴上面?这种没有“艺术”的设计风格过去只适用于即将到来的网页或没有图片的网页,但现在甚至在有大量其他图片的网站设计中也很流行。如果您有一条消息或语句是用户需要立即知道的最重要的事情,那么这可能是一种有效的设计技术。因为没有别的东西可看。(除非用户拒绝阅读文字并放弃设计,否则这种风格会有风险。)用漂亮的字体和强烈的颜色选择充分利用无艺术的设计。这些设计元素本身就可以作为一种艺术,有助于为屏幕上的文字增添视觉趣味。下面的三个示例中的每一个都以略微不同的方式实现这一点。We Are Crowd在明亮的背景色上使用了一个强大的serif-sans serif字体对。由于主页上有一个动画滚动条,用户被吸引去深入研究这个设计。没有“艺术”的设计实际上是在图像和非图像面板之间交替,向用户展示一些东西。Easys在屏幕中央使用一个简单的衬线来吸引眼球。明亮的红色文字在一个鲜明的背景吸引你的权利,以文字。还可以调用滚动,在滚动中,设计填充了更多的颜色、图像和有趣的形状。大卫·帕切科的作品集采用了一种更简约的无艺术审美方式。简单,但超大的无衬线字体和黑色背景,没有办法不知道网站是关于什么的。这种设计的鲜明本质使得左下角的小的动画滚动条更加明显,这是值得我们为他的作品所做的努力。明亮的蓝色一种明亮的颜色流行起来也许并不令人惊讶。但颜色可能会让你大吃一惊。尽管一种明亮的珊瑚被潘通命名为“年度色彩”,但亮蓝色正成为一种趋势。明亮的蓝色背景,文本元素,覆盖和更多的到处都是。这种颜色植根于材料设计调色板,非常令人愉悦,几乎适用于任何内容类型。这就是为什么它会如此受欢迎的原因。传统上,蓝色是所有网站设计中最常用的颜色之一。主要是因为联想是和谐的,愉悦的和值得信赖的。这种明亮的蓝色给人一种淡淡的感觉。基于颜色的网站设计趋势最好的地方在于它易于使用。设计师不需要彻底改变品牌的调色板,就可以在设计中融入亮蓝色。在口音或图像中偷偷摸摸。这也是一种趋势,您可以快速地将其添加到项目中,而不需要对可以轻松部署(甚至删除)的现代风格进行大量规划。就像你在下面的例子中看到的蓝色?试着用这些混合的颜色来复制这些色调:马特唐尼使用了明亮的蓝色和几乎紫色的底色;十六进制# 263 d83。输出卷轴槽大量的亮蓝色选项在主页上与更多的紫色(十六进制#4d34d8)和明亮的天蓝色(十六进制#3a63d8)选项。弗洛伦特·比菲为海军蓝增添了一抹亮色;十六进制# 142877.3。电子商务看起来是内容的王,即使是在网上销售。或许作为一种设计趋势,这是社交媒体的一种延续,或许只是为了尝试一些更吸引人的东西,越来越多的电子商务网站正在部署网站架构,这些架构看上去不太像待售商品的页面,而更像是包含“购买”按钮的整合内容元素。这个想法使销售更多的是关于生活方式和使用产品植入的哲学来销售项目。这个设计概念可能需要花费大量的时间来有效地计划和设计,但是如果它能与新客户或购物者产生共鸣,那么它是值得的。它可能也需要某种类型的产品。电子商务网站使用大量的内容,看起来更像产品销售或信息的内容,往往是生活方式品牌,如服装或家纺。这是因为这些东西不需要太多解释——大多数购物者知道他们穿什么尺码的衬衫——在购买欲望中产生一种紧迫感。顾客看到这件衬衫就想要,因为它有一种与品牌相关的风格感或联系。这是一种与用户建立更真实联系的有趣方式——一种关键的营销理念,尤其是在千禧一代购物者和受众中。这是一种很有潜力的设计趋势

New year, new design trends!While everyone is talking about big-picture trends such as designing for voice and virtual reality, there are more immediate design elements that you can see (and deploy) right now for a more on-trend website.From websites without images above the scroll, to ecommerce that disguises itself as content, to bright blue everything, here’s a look at what’s trending this month.1. No “Art” Above the ScrollHave you noticed how many websites don’t have images or video above the scroll? This no “art” design style used to be reserved for coming soon or construction pages that didn’t have images, but it’s trending even for website designs with plenty of other imagery.If you have a message or statement that is the most important thing for users to know right away, this can be an effective design technique. It works because there’s nothing else to see. (Unless the user refuses to read the words and abandons the design, which can be a risk with this style.)Make the most of a no art design with beautiful typography and strong color choices.These design elements can serve as art on their own and help add visual interest to the words on the screen.Each of the three examples below does this in a slightly different way.We Are Crowd uses a strong serif-sans serif typography pair on a bright colored background. Users are enticed to delve into the design thanks to an animated scroller on the homepage. The no “art” design actually alternates between image and non-image panels, showing users there is something to look at.Easys uses a simple serif in the center of the screen to draw the eye. Bright red text on a stark background draws you right to the lettering. There’s also a call to scroll, where the design fills with more color, images and interesting shapes.David Pacheco’s portfolio takes a more minimal approach to the no art aesthetic. With simple, but oversized sans serif typography and a black background, there’s no way not to know what the website is about. The stark nature of the design makes the small, animated scroller at the bottom left more obvious, and it’s worth the effort with great images of his projects.2. Bright BlueIt might not come as a surprise that a bright color is trending. But the hue might surprise you. Even though a bright coral was named color of the year by Pantone, bright blue is trending.Bright blue backgrounds, text elements, overlays and more are everywhere. The color, which has roots in the Material Design palette, is rather cheerful and works with almost any content type. These are reasons why it might be so popular.Blue is traditionally one of the most used colors among all website designs. Mostly because of associations that are harmonious, pleasing and trustworthy. This brighter blue adds to that with a somewhat lighter feel.The best part of a website design trend that’s rooted in color is that it’s easy to use. Designers don’t have to overhaul a brand color palette to incorporate bright blue into the design. Sneak it in for accents or in images.This is also a trend that you can add to a project quickly and without a lot of planning for a modern flair that can be deployed (and even removed) with minimal effort.Like the blues you see in the examples below? Try these color mixes to replicate the hues:Matt Downey uses a bright blue with an almost purple undertone; hex #263d83.Output scrolls trough plenty of bright blue options on the homepage with more purple (hex #4d34d8) and brighter sky blue (hex #3a63d8) options.Florent Biffi puts a new spin on navy with a brighter tone; hex #142877.3. Ecommerce That Looks Like ContentContent is king…even when it comes to online sales.Maybe as a design trend that’s a carryover from social media or maybe just to try something that’s a little more engaging, more ecommerce websites are deploying site architectures that look less like pages of items for sale and more like integrated content elements with a “buy it” button included.This idea makes sales more about lifestyle and uses a product placement philosophy to sell items. This design concept can take a lot of time to plan out and design effectively, but it can be worthwhile if it resonates with a new customer or shopper base.It’s likely that it takes a certain type of product as well. Ecommerce websites that use a lot of content and that look more like content that product sales or information tend to be lifestyle brands such as clothing or home textiles. This is because these items don’t need a lot of explanation–most shoppers know what size shirt they wear–and create a sense of urgency in the desire to buy. A customer sees the shirt and want it because of the associated sense of style or connection to brand.It’s an interesting way to create a more authentic connection with users–a key marketing concept, particularly among millennial shoppers and audiences. It’s one of those design trends that has a lot of potential to grow, but only if designers and developers are willing to commit the time and resources to overhaul their ecommerce projects in this manner.ConclusionWhen it comes to using website design trends, the ones that come and go the quickest are the ones that are most deployable. Some of those–such as color–are on this list. Others, like ecommerce that looks like content, takes a lot more strategy to do well. Which type of trend are you most likely to try?What trends are you loving (or hating) right now? I’d love to see some of the websites that you are fascinated with. Drop me a link on Twitter; I’d love to hear from you.