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2019-02-05 1402 0
这将在今年的某个时候发生;你将面临设计师的精疲力竭。对创意人员来说,精疲力竭是一个永无止境的过程,这是一个非常普遍的现象。(你不能因为不工作就停止思考。)但是你可以做一些事情来帮助自己减轻倦怠,让自己更有活力,更专注。这是你的新年清单。(看起来是个不错的决定,对吧?)远离你的办公桌每天安排时间远离你的工作。“午餐时间”是有原因的。它给你时间从你正在做的事情中休息一下,恢复精神,带着新的能量回到工作中来。你不需要在传统的午餐时间休息,甚至也不需要在午餐时间休息,但你确实需要在白天利用这段时间来充电。养成每天把这段时间隔掉的习惯,做一些能让第二天的工作不那么累人的事情:散散步;去健身房;和朋友共进午餐;在社交媒体上工作充满了“妙招”,可以让你避免在网上浪费时间。但是,如果你应该工作一段时间,浏览Insta,然后回到它呢?快速工作可以帮助你更有效率。如果你需要启动大脑中那一小部分创造性的思维,那么看图片和视频会让你特别精神抖擞。但是这里有个技巧可以让你在开始和结束时都能工作。你不能让停顿扼杀你的工作效率。这不是一个适用于所有人的建议,但是一些设计师从微小的、“有计划的”干扰中获得了很多价值。参与到设计挑战中来准备好跳出你的舒适区去设计。应对设计挑战。这些小事件通常由一个主题组成,在这个主题中,您被提示在特定的时间段内每天或每周设计特定的东西。其他人经常在同一时间做同样的事情(和同样的挑战),在一个地方展示工作。设计挑战的伟大之处在于它可以成为日常生活中有趣的消遣。真的没有什么利害关系,你可以按照自己的方式进行创作。设计挑战:每日提示帮助你跳出思维框架;每日UI挑战:每天新提示,坚持100天。如果你还没有准备好迎接挑战,那就看看Project 365吧,这是一位设计师在2018.4年每天都会展示的一个新设计项目。放慢节奏你真的在期待假期吗?把它记在日历上。然后给自己安排一分钟、一天或一周的时间。仅仅因为你有时间休息,并不意味着你在放慢速度。有时候假期和不工作的时间也会很忙碌,所以计划一些严肃的休息时间就显得更加重要了。每个人都需要以不同的方式休息。有些人可以花一天的时间感觉充满了电。另一些则需要一周的时间来让大脑休息。只是不要把你的慢下来的时间塞满项目。你必须离开电脑。计划在你减速的时候抛弃技术(或者只允许在特定的时间签到),以从休息中获得最大的好处。不要陷入单调的日常工作中。尽管设计项目可以解决不同的问题,但是过程中的某些部分可能会变得平淡无奇。混合任务,邀请团队的其他成员进行头脑风暴,混合你一直在做的事情。就像锻炼不同的肌肉群一样,重新规划你的一天可以伸展大脑(和创造性)肌肉。寻找一个网络或对等组如果你没有一个稳定的设计对等组,现在是时候去寻找那个组了。无论你是加入一个专业的网络组织,参加一个会议,参与社交媒体对话,还是仅仅邀请你的导师共进午餐,避免精疲力竭的关键要素之一就是保持精力充沛。有时候你只是需要发泄一下。其他时候,你需要一个新的视角来进入正轨。开发你的网络。每个月花几个小时倾听别人的意见,并谈论你的设计挑战。不要让所有这些会议都变成牢骚满腹的会议,而要谈论工作中的挑战和解决方案。有时候,解决问题的最好方法是与那些从另一个角度看问题的人分享。如果可以的话,远程办公交通拥堵、上班时间过长以及在工作场所与各种各样的人打交道对一些设计师来说可能是一个挑战。你可能需要一个安静的空间来工作。你可能需要大量的白噪音来做到最好。或者也许你效率最高的时间不属于朝九晚五的规律。问问你的雇主你是否可以远程工作。即使只是一周一天,或者一个月几天,在一个符合你的自然规律、没有干扰的环境中工作也能让你感觉更有条理、更有条理。,这将

It’s going to happen at some point this year; you will face designer burnout.One of the reasons that burnout is so common for creatives is that it’s a never-ending process. (You can’t just stop having ideas because you are off the clock.) But there are things you can do to help make the burnout less bad and stay energized and focused more of the time.Here’s your checklist for the new year. (Seems like a great resolution, right?)1. Get Away from Your DeskSchedule time to step away from your work every single day. There’s a reason that “lunch hour” is a thing. It gives you time to take a break from what you are working on, refresh and come back to it with new energy.You don’t have to take this break during the traditional lunch hour – or even get lunch for that matter – but you do need to take that time to recharge during the day.Get in the habit of blocking off that time each day and do something that will make the second part of the work day less of a drag:Take a walk;Go to the gym;Meet a friend for lunch;Read or listen to a book.2. Work in SpurtsSocial media is filled with “hacks” to keep you from wasting time online. But what if you should work for a bit, browse the Insta and then get back to it?Working in spurts can help you be more productive. Looking at images and videos can be particularly invigorating if you need to jumpstart that little creative part of your brain.But here’s the trick to working in starts and stops. You can’t let the stops kill your productivity. This isn’t a tip that works for everyone, but some designers get a lot of value out of tiny, “planned” distractions.3. Participate in Design ChallengesGet ready to design outside of your comfort zone. Tackle a design challenge.These little events often consist of a theme, where you are prompted to design a certain thing each day or week for a certain time period. Others are often doing the same thing (and same challenges) at the same time with a place to showcase the work.What’s great about a design challenge is that it can be a fun diversion from the everyday. There’s really nothing at stake and you get to be creative on your own terms.Try one of these:Daily Logo Challenge: Draw a logo for 50 days;Sharpen.design Challenge: Daily prompts to help you think outside the box;Daily UI Challenge: New prompts every day for 100 days.If you aren’t quite ready to jump into a challenge, take a look at Project 365, one designer’s showcase of a new design project every day in 2018.4. Schedule “Slow Downs”Are you really looking forward to a vacation? Put it in your calendar.Then schedule some time to just take a minute or day or week to yourself. Just because you have time off from work, doesn’t mean you are slowing down. Sometimes vacations and times away from work can be just as hectic, making it even more important to plan some serious down time.Everybody needs this break in a different way. Some people can take a day and feel totally recharged. Others need a week to let the brain rest.Just don’t cram your slow down time with projects. You must step away from the computer. Plan to ditch technology during your slowdown (or only allow check-ins at certain times) to get the most benefit from the break.5. Mix Up TasksDon’t get caught in a monotonous work routine. Even though design projects can solve different problems, there are parts of the process that can get mundane.Mix up tasks, invite other members of the team for a brainstorming session and mix up the way you’ve always done things.Just like exercising a different muscle group, replanning your day stretches brain (and creative) muscles.6. Find a Network or Peer GroupIf you don’t have a solid group of design peers, now is the time to find that group. Whether you join a professional networking organization, go to a conference, engage in social media conversations or just ask your mentor to lunch, one of the key ingredients to avoiding burnout is to stay fresh. (Sometimes you just need to vent. Other times you need a new perspective to get on track.)Develop your network. Spend a few hours each month listening to others as well as talking about your design challenges. Don’t let all of these meetings turn into gripe sessions, but do talk about work challenges and solutions.Sometimes the best way to work through issues is sharing with someone who comes at it from another perspective.7. Work Remotely If You CanThe grind of traffic and getting to work and dealing with all the other personalities in the workplace can be a challenge for some designers. You might need a quiet space to work. You might need plenty of white noise to do your best. Or maybe your highest productivity hours don’t fall into a 9 to 5 routine.Ask your employer if you can work remotely. Even if only for a day a week or a few days a month, working in a space that fits your natural patterns and without distractions can help you feel more organized and put together. And that will keep you from feeling so burned out.8. Create Something That Isn’t WorkTry something design-related that isn’t part of your job.Interested in virtual reality? Find someone who can show off their VR equipment. Wish you could draw? Take an art class.The goal is to engage your creative spirit in a way that doesn’t have pressure or strings (or income) attached. Not only will this make you better at your job – and less likely to burn out – but it will also help you explore options that might expand your career one day. (You never know where opportunities live.)9. Pay Attention to Your HealthThis might be the little anti-burnout lesson that we should all know … but somehow ignore.Designers are stereotypically (and sometimes not so stereotypically) fueled by coffee and sleepless nights. There might also be a nightcap or two.And eventually your body just says, “No”. Pay attention to your health (and sanity).Eat vegetables. Get some exercise. Don’t stay glued to a computer screen in a dark corner. Laugh, Smile. Be social offline.It can do wonders. (Plus, getting sick just contributes to that overwhelming feeling of not being able to get everything done.)10. Just Say, “No”It’s 100 percent OK to not do something. Don’t make that t-shirt for your family reunion this year. Don’t create a website for your cousin’s wedding. Say no. Turn down projects when you don’t have time.And then use that time to do something just for you. Even if it is to take a nap.Featured image via DepositPhotos.