荷兰艺术家Stefan Thelen,又名Stefan Thelen。Super A(之前在这里和这里)从经典的流行文化角色,如蝙蝠侠和米老鼠中去除幻想,揭示了他们的卡通结构的更现实的解释。在《睡美人》中,一只猫头鹰从卡通人物的缝隙中向外张望,一只橙色眼睛锐利的白猫则从Hello Kitty的螺旋形图案中伸出爪子。这些新作品是《受困》系列的一部分,目前正在“品牌图书馆”展出。艺术中心为他的个展归化策展,由Thinkspace项目承办。你可以在他的网站和Instagram上看到更多流行文化人物的混搭作品,以及他们对人和动物的启发。(通过逮捕运动)

Dutch artist Stefan Thelen, a.k.a. Super A (previously here and here) removes the fantasy from classic pop culture characters like Batman and Mickey Mouse to reveal more realistic interpretations of their cartoon constructs. An owl peers out between the gaps of its cartoon self in a painting of a scene from Sleeping Beauty, while a white cat with piercing orange eyes pokes its paw out of a spiraled depiction of Hello Kitty.The new works, which are part of Thelen’s o
ngoing series titled Trapped, are currently on view at the Brand Library & Arts Center for his solo exhibition Domestication curated by Thinkspace Projects. You can see more of his mash-ups of pop culture figures and their human and animal inspirations on his website and Instagram. (via Arrested Motion)