兰多尔设计了一种在线工具,旨在就女性在世界各地担任领导角色时面临的问题进行实时辩论。 Pulse是一个新的网站和工具,它使用一种算法抓取Twitter上正在发生的关于女性、企业和领导力的对话。 一次收集10,000条tweet 它将Twitter上的帖子整理整理成六个关键话题,包括权力与女性、进步与女性、多样性与女性、变化与女性、社区与女性;以及领导者和女性。它将这些信息组织成交互式信息图表,可以在Pulse网站上操纵和播放。当人们上传更多的帖子时,图片会随着对话的变化而变化。 信息图可以360度旋转,从各个角度观看,发现新的对话,当用户点击其中一个部分时,原始的推文就会扩大,让他们能够准确地了解说了什么,是谁说的。图形的大小取决于讨论的频率,如果围绕某个主题的情绪是消极的,图形就会变暗。 它每天跟踪大约1万个在线帖子,旨在提供实时的见解。兰道尔执行创意总监许应富立克(Hsu-Ying Fullick)表示,他们会把话题转到全球正在发生的围绕女性和领导力的对话中。 “没有,Responsive”致人的关切和思念 “脉搏”是专门为女性领袖全球论坛(WLGF)的启动而设计的,该论坛由女性政治领袖组织(WPL)和冰岛政府共同主办,于本月举行。WLGF完全由女性领导,是一个讨论世界问题的论坛。 这个工具的目标是负责任。富利克说,这是对人们的关心和对社会责任的关心。 这个脉搏将作为一个明确的行动号召,呼吁政策制定者继续提高他们对变革的呼声。她说。它是行动的催化剂,(帮助)政策制定者和组织在社交媒体的喧嚣中脱颖而出。 它的目的是供全球政府和决策者以及公众使用。对当权者来说,它的目的是为他们提供清晰的谈话线索。围绕女性担任领导的问题,使她们能够直接接触外界。对于个人,它显示特定的tweet。 让公众直接发言。向决策者 Fullick说,对公众来说,它的目的是为他们提供一个数字化的座位,让他们在讨论中有发言权,这样他们就可以直接发言了。对政策制定者和决策者来说,影响变化。 Fullick补充说,这个决定是为了创建一个交互式的、不断变化的工具,通过向用户提供实时更新和趋势,来保持与全球对话的相关性和反映性。 这样做的目的是为了简单地开始对话。她说。对于女性来说,社交媒体有时是一个充满挑战的地方。其目的是利用设计、数据和技术作为推动变革和决策的工具。 看这里的脉搏。
Landor has designed an online tool that looks to create a live, real-time debate about the issues women face in getting into leadership roles around the world. The Pulse is a new website and tool that uses an algorithm to crawl Twitter for conversations that are happening about women, business and leadership. Collects 10,000 tweets at once It collate and curates Twitter posts into six key topics, which include “power and women”, “progress and women”, “diversity and women”, “change and women”, “community and women” and “leader and women”. It organises these into an interactive infographic, which can be manipulated and played with on The Pulse website. As people upload more posts, the graphic changes and adapts as the conversation changes. The infographic can be turned by 360-degrees to see it at all angles and discover new conversations, and when a user clicks on one part, the original tweet expands, given them insight into exactly what was said and who said it. The graphic grows or shrinks depending on the frequency of discussion, and changes to a darker colour if the sentiment around a topic is negative. It tracks roughly 10,000 online posts a day and aims to give “real-time insight” into conversations that are happening globally around women and leadership, says Hsu-Ying Fullick, executive creative director at Landor. “Responsive” to people’s concerns and thoughts The Pulse has been designed specifically for the launch of the Women Leaders Global Forum (WLGF), run by organisation Women Political Leaders (WPL) alongside the Government of Iceland, which took place this month. Entirely led by women, the WLGF is a forum discussing world issues. The tool aims to be “responsive” to people’s concerns as well as “socially responsible”, says Fullick. “The Pulse will act as a clear call to action for policy makers to continue raising their voices for change,” she says. “It is a catalyst for action, [helping] policy-makers and organisations cut through the noise on social media.” It is intended to be used by both global governments and policy-makers, and the public. For those in power, it aims to provide them with “clear threads of conversation” around issues surrounding women in leadership, and enable them to “reach out directly” to individuals, given that it shows specific tweets. Lets the public “speak directly” to policy-makers For the public, it aims to offer them a “digital seat at the table”, says Fullick, and give them a voice in the discussion, so they can “speak directly” to policy-makers and “affect change”. Fullick adds that the decision was made to create an interactive and changing tool in order to “stay relevant and reflective of the global conversation”, by presenting users with real-time updates and trends. “The aim of this is to simply start the conversation,” she says. “Social media can, at times, be a challenging place for women. This aims to use design, data and technology as an instrument to drive change and decision-making.” See The Pulse here.