Mark Studio为今年的曼彻斯特文学节设计了这个品牌,这个节日的灵感来自书页边缘和它们造成的扭曲。 曼彻斯特文学节已经举办了12年,于2007年以曼彻斯特诗歌节的形式启动,2008年更名为曼彻斯特诗歌节。它以一系列以文学为中心的活动为特色,从谈论小说和诗歌阅读到新书发布和作家之间的小组讨论。 自2007年以来,总部位于曼彻斯特的设计咨询公司Mark Studio每年都会与电影节合作,每年都会赋予它一个新的身份。 2018年的品牌设计以定制的、大胆的、全大写、无衬线字体为背景,通过竖线产生扭曲和褪色的效果。这是通过letraset实现的,它被摩擦到书籍的边缘,然后产生的图案被拍照。该模式随后在整个品牌中使用。 这“;垂直blind”模式已被用于排版,图标和图像。它与粉色、黄色、绿色和蓝色的调色板相结合,一系列平面图标代表不同的节日活动,以及定制的无衬线字体。黑色用于所有的字体和图像。 一旦你开始翻阅一本书,文字和意象就会扭曲。Mark Studio创始人马克•莱斯特(Mark Lester)表示。我们想要描绘那种翻页的感觉。这种垂直切片的方法适用于所有的图像和排版,所以它们看起来都是同一个家族的一部分。 我们也觉得曼彻斯特是一个灰色的城市,有很多混凝土,所以明亮的颜色会有更多的视觉冲击。 他补充说,人们创造了一系列不同的图标,以代表电影节上的各种各样的活动,从隐喻到字面都有。解释。 这包括一个塔楼图标,代表去年发生在伦敦的格伦费尔塔火灾悲剧的24层故事;爱尔兰最近决定废除宪法第八修正案,该修正案使堕胎合法化。以及一个妇女参政者徽章,它代表了始于曼彻斯特的妇女参政者运动历史上的城市徒步旅行。 这些图标跨越了印刷和图形之间的界线。莱斯特说。很明显,我们很快就需要一种印刷方式来连接文学,但这不会维持整个品牌活动。 随着今年曼彻斯特文学节的丰富多彩,马克工作室希望这个品牌能反映曼彻斯特文学节日益增长的观众群体,吸引新的观众,并代表该节日日益多样化的内容。 莱斯特说,曼彻斯特文学节的人口中大约70%是女性,每年约有1.2万人参加。 历史上,文学活动一直吸引着50岁以上的女性。莱斯特说。 今年妇女节的主题是开创妇女事业,以纪念妇女首次获得选举权100周年。但马克工作室决定让这个品牌尽可能地中性化,以吸引各种各样的人,并避免它变得自视清高。或者性别适当,莱斯特说。 今年有很多开创性的女作家,但我们希望所有有趣的作家都能参与其中。他说。因此,我们把注意力集中在更一般的词上,即开拓精神上。玩这个。它可能是脆弱的,但却是开创性的。成为《;edgy’这个链接到我们创建的页面边缘图像。 曼彻斯特文学节将于2018年10月6日至21日在英国曼彻斯特举行。新品牌目前正在海报和宣传单等营销和活动材料、网站等在线平台、商品中推广,并将在电影节期间用于寻路和标识。

Mark Studio has designed the branding for this year’s Manchester Literature Festival, which has been inspired by the edges of book pages and the distortions they create. Manchester Literature Festival has been running for 12 years, and started up in 2007 as Manchester Poetry Festival, before being renamed in 2008. It features a range of events centred around literature, from talks a
bout novels and poetry readings to book launches and panel discussions between authors. Manchester-ba
sed design co
nsultancy Mark Studio has worked with the festival every year since 2007, giving it a new identity annually. The branding for 2018 features the name of the festival set in a bespoke, bold, all-caps, sans-serif typeface, with a distorted and faded effect created through vertical lines. This has been achieved through letraset, which was rubbed against the edges of books, then the resulting pattern was photographed. This pattern was then used across the brand. This “vertical blind” pattern has been used across typography, icons and imagery. It is coupled with a colour palette of pink, yellow, green and blue, a series of flat icons to represent different events at the festival, and the bespoke sans-serif typeface. Black is used for all typography and imagery. “o
nce you start to flick through the pages of a book, the words and imagery distort,” says Mark Lester, founder at Mark Studio. “We wanted to portray that sense of turning pages. This vertical slicing approach is applied to all ico
nography and typography, so they all looked like part of the same family. “We also felt that Manchester is quite a grey city with a lot of concrete, so bright colours would have more of a visual impact.” A varied suite of icons was created, he adds, to represent the broad range of events at the festival, from “me
taphorical to literal” interpretations. This includes a tower block icon to represent an event telling 24 stories around the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy which happened in Lo
ndon last year; a figure eight for an event on Ireland’s recent decision to repeal the eighth amendment in its constitution, which legalised abortion; and a suffragette badge to represent a city walking tour on the history of the suffragette movement, which began in Manchester. “The icons straddle the line between typographic and graphic,” says Lester. “It became obvious fairly quickly that we needed a typographic approach, for the l
ink to literature, but that wouldn’t sustain the whole brand campaign.” With this year’s colourful look, Mark Studio is hoping the branding will reflect the growing mix of Manchester Literature Festival visitors, attract new audiences, and represent how the festival is increasingly diversifying its content. According to Lester, the demographic of Manchester Literature Festival is roughly 70% female and sees a
bout 12,000 people attend each year. “Historically, literature events have attracted women aged over 50,” says Lester. “But Manchester Literature Festival is co
nstantly reaching out to new people, and trying to attract people who don’t think literature is for them, and has broadened out into family-friendly events too.” The theme for this year’s festival is Pio
neering Women, to tie in the 100-year anniversary since women were first given the right to vote – but Mark Studio decided to make the brand as gender-neutral as possible, to attract a diverse range of people and avoid it becoming “patronising” or “gender-appropriated”, Lester says. “There are lots of pio
neering female writers this year, but we wanted it to be a
bout all interesting writers,” he says. “So we focused on the more generic word ‘pioneering’ and played with that. As tenuous as it may be, ‘pioneering’ became ‘edgy’ and this l
inks to the page edge imagery we created.” Manchester Literature Festival runs 6-21 October 2018 across Manchester, UK. The new branding is currently rolling out across marketing and campaign materials such as posters and flyers, o
nline platforms like the website, merchandise, and will be used across wayfinding and signage at the festival.