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Mind the Gap:对伦敦街头生活探索的超现实主义插画设计

2019-04-04 1463 0
       《Mind the Gap》是插画家Marija Tiurina创作的一款新水彩画,它融合了地上和地下的虚构场景。这部作品充斥着现实主义和想象力的人物,他们生活在与伦敦北部平行的宇宙中。冷色表示地面上正在发生什么,而右下角的红色和粉色则表示作品已经进入伦敦地铁。该作品的灵感来自于铁里纳每天往返于市中心的通勤路线,这条线路是城市中最深、最热的线路之一,以其在夏季特别炎热的高峰时间而闻名。

Mind the Gap is a new complexly layered watercolor from the mind of illustrator Marija Tiurina (previously), which melds fictional scenes from above and below ground. The work is jam packed with both realistic and highly imaginative characters that exist in a parallel universe to North London. Cool colors denote what is happening above ground while reds and pinks towards the bottom right corner signal that the work has moved into the London Underground. The work was inspired by Tiurina’s daily commute on the Central line, which is one of the deepest and hottest lines in the city, and is known for its particularly heated rush hours during the summer. Take a peek at other rich watercolor works by Tiurina on her Instagram, Facebook, and Behance.