在戴森(Dyson)和Vax等公司令人难以置信的工程师和创新者的大力协助下,家用吸尘器在过去几十年经历了巨大的变革,功率水平和能力都在提高,而体积和重量却在减小。然而,设计师Ja Heon Lee觉得在人机工程学和用户舒适度方面还有改进的空间,于是LVC诞生了!顾名思义,LVC或Lofstrand吸尘器的灵感来自著名的Lofstrand拐杖的结构,它的设计初衷是减轻使用者手腕的重量。这使得真空吸尘器具有独特的外形和操作方式;真空吸尘器的主体位于使用者手臂上方,因此减轻了手腕的压力,降低了患上腕管综合症的几率!

With co
nsiderable assistance from the incredible engineers and innovators at the likes of Dyson and Vax, the domestic vacuum cleaner has seen a dramatic transformation within the past couple of decades, with power levels and capabilities increasing whilst the size and weight is reduced. However, designer Ja Heon Lee felt like there was room for improvement when it came to the ergo
nomics and user comfort… and thus, LVC was born!As its name would suggest, LVC, or the Lofstrand Vacuum Cleaner has been inspired by the structure of the famous Lofstrand Crutch, which was designed to take the strain of the user’s weight off their wrists. This has led to the vacuum cleaner to carry a distinctive form and be operated into a different manner; the body of the vacuum sits above the user’s form arm, therefore taking the strain off their wrist and reducing their chances of developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!Designer: Ja Heon Lee