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2019-04-01 1788 0
折叠显示器的想法听起来可能像是科幻迷的梦想,但灵活的未来已经到来了!在最近几年发布了一些可弯曲的显示器之后,设计师Kizuku Kitada将这款具有180度折叠功能的平板记事本推向了一个全新的高度。这款名为ef NOTE的设计以其无缝显示和折叠功能而著称。它让人想起传统的笔记本电脑,既熟悉又具有未来感。

The idea of a folding display might sound like a sci-fi fan’s dream, but the flexible future is already here! Following the release of a few bendable displays in recent years, designer Kizuku Kitada takes things to an entirely new level with this tablet notepad that features a complete 180-degree fold. The design, dubbed éf NOTE, is distinguished by its seamless display and ability to fold down to have its size. Reminiscent of the traditional notebook, it’s at once familiar and futuristic.Designer: Kizuku Kitada