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2019-04-01 1285 0
      不管这个产品是否会大卖,看到全新的东西我总是很兴奋!设计师Seungho Choi和Yoona Lee的这个想法就是这样。乍一看,它看起来像是一台录音机和吹风机的混合体。然而,在进一步的回顾中,你会注意到它扩展了日常水龙头的功能。这款水龙头的设计与传统的浴室水龙头非常相似,只是它也有一个独特的洗脸机制。穿孔的顶部可以根据用户的喜好喷雾保湿皮肤或蒸开面部毛孔。当你醒来时可以用它来提神,或者把它作为睡前习惯的一部分!

Whether or not it will be a hit, I always get excited seeing something entirely new! And this idea by designers Seungho Choi and Yoona Lee is exactly that. At first glimpse (not necessarily to its benefit) it looks like a hybrid of an audio recorder and hair dryer. Upon further review, however, you’ll notice it expands on the the functionality of the everyday faucet.The design operates much in the same way as a traditional bathroom faucet, only it also features a unique face-refreshing mechanism that anyone can appreciate. The perforated top can mist to hydrate the skin or steam the face to open up the pores depending on the user’s preference. Use it as a refresher when you wake up or make it a part of your nightly ritual before bed!Designers: Seungho Choi & Yoona Lee