艾莉森·波拉克拍摄的所有照片,都记录了她在北加州徒步旅行中遇到的蘑菇和黏菌的迷人表型。在她拍摄的照片中,有蓬乱的白色梳子菌类(coralloides头孢杆菌),在实验餐厅的甜点菜单上显得格格不入的茎杆炎黏菌,还有Comatricha,它们与城市灯柱非常相似。最近,这位北湾地区的摄影师在接受《马林独立杂志》(Marin Independent Journal)采访时表示,她长期以来一直对徒步旅行和蘑菇生长很感兴趣,但在过去两年中,她越来越关注真菌摄影。

Stemonitis. All photographs by Alison PollackAvid photographer and retired enviro
nmental co
nsultant Alison Pollack docu
ments the fascinating phenotypes of mushrooms and slime molds she encounters on hikes in northern California. Her images show shaggy white Comb Tooth fungus (Hericium coralloides), Stemo
nitis slime molds that wouldn’t look out of place on the dessert menu of an experimental restaurant, and Comatricha that bear a strong resemblance to urban lamp posts. Recently, the north Bay Area-ba
sed photographer shared with the Marin Independent Journal that she has had a lo
ngtime interest in hiking and mushrooming, but has grown more focused on fungi photography in the last two years. You can follow along with Pollock’s findings, and help her identify unknown species, on Instagram.Chlorociboria aeruginascensTyromyces chio
neusHericium erinaceusL: Comatricha / R: Hemitrichia calyculataCrepidotus mollisPhysarum virideTrametes versicolorMycena