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欢迎灭绝的恐龙回来!Seba Naranjo手工剪纸3D模型设计

2019-04-08 2378 0
      智利艺术家Seba Naranjo为一个名为Khartosauria的项目设计并建造了恐龙的3D纸模型。通过精心的规划、剪裁和折叠,他创造了有趣而富有表现力的雕塑,它们漫步在桌面上,和数百万年前一样。拥有平面设计和儿童插画背景的纳兰乔告诉《巨人》杂志,他对恐龙和纸张的迷恋始于他小时候在母亲工作的印刷厂玩耍。经过多年的磨练,纳兰乔现在每周要花20多个小时来切割和塑造人物,比如一头红色和米黄色的龙、多色迷你驰龙和一头优雅的阿帕托龙。

Images courtesy of Seba NaranjoInspired and informed by the work that paleontologists have done over the past few decades, Chile-based artist Seba Naranjo designs and builds 3D paper models of dinosaurs for a project called Khartosauria. Through careful planning, cutting, and folding, he forms fun and expressive sculptures that roam desks and table tops the way their organic counterparts did millions of years ago.With a background in graphic design and children’s illustration, Naranjo tells Colossal that his fascination with dinosaurs and paper started when he was just a kid playing in the printing shop where his mother worked. After honing his skills significantly over the years, Naranjo now spends upwards of 20 hours a week cutting and constructing figures such as a red and beige Styracosaurus, multi-colored mini Dromaeosaur, and an elegant Apatosaurus.Model kits complete with scientific biographies and instructions for building are available online. Follow Naranjo’s experimentation process and see more of his creations by following the dino-enthusiast on Instagram.