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2019-04-08 1445 0
       艺术家Super A和Collin van der Sluijs今年早些时候合作在柏林一幢住宅楼的一侧绘制了这幅名为Starling的惊人壁画。这幅137英尺高的壁画描绘了一只大鸟,它华丽的胸部由密集的珠宝和植物拼接而成。Starling是应Urban Nation的邀请,作为One Wall壁画项目的一部分而创建的。所有照片由Nika Kramer拍摄。

All photos © Nika Kramer/Urban NationNetherlands-based artists Super A (previously) and Collin van der Sluijs (previously) teamed up earlier this year to paint this phenomenal mural titled Starling on the side of a residential building in Berlin. The 137-foot-tall mural piece depicts a large bird whose ornate chest is comprised of a dense patchwork of glistening jewels and plants. Starling was created at the invitation of Urban Nation as part of the One Wall Mural Project. All photos by Nika Kramer. (via StreetArtNews, BerlijnBlog.nl, Urban Nation)