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2019-04-08 1855 0
      一幅新的马赛克壁画为最近重新开放的纽约第28街车站注入了活力。《漫步在脚下》描绘了从麦迪逊广场公园自然保护区的多年生植物中挑选出来的植物,这些植物能够抵御气候变化,比如红芽、木兰、海葵、金缕梅、水仙花和茶花。美国大都会运输署(MTA)在一份关于这项新工作的声明中解释说,布卢姆的意图是捕捉附近公园的一些魅力,将其视为城市避难所,并为过境乘客改善车站环境。如果你住在纽约,可以乘坐列克星敦大道线(Lexington Ave Line)去参观这个新建的车站。

A new mosaic mural breathes life into the recently reopened 28th Street Station in New York City thanks to a cheerful design of blossoming glass flowers by artist Nancy Blum. ROAMING UNDERFOOT depicts plants that were chosen from the Madison Square Park Conservancy’s Perennial Collection because of their ability to withstand climate change, such as Red Buds, Magnolias, Hellebores, Witch Hazel, Daffodils, and Camellia. “Blum’s intent was to capture some of the magic of the nearby park, regarded as an urban sanctuary, and to enhance the station environment for transit riders,explains the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in a statement about the new work. If you live in NYC, take the Lexington Ave Line to visit the newly sprouted station, and check out more of Blum’s floral drawings and public art on her website. (via Gothamist)