今年早些时候,我们提到了托马斯·杨(Thomas Yang),他在100多份副本中使用了自行车轮胎踏板上的印记,创作了一幅帝国大厦(Empire State Building)的海报。此后,杨又在世界各地探索了另外三个地标,它们融合了对自行车运动和建筑的热情,包括对埃菲尔铁塔、塔桥和中国紫禁城的描绘。虽然个别的照片似乎都卖光了,但它们仍然是全套的。
Earlier this year we mentioned Thomas Yang over at 100copies used the prints from bicycle tire treads to create a poster of the Empire State Building. Yang has since explored three additional landmarks around the world that merge his passion for cycling and architecture including depictions of the Eiffel Tower, the Tower Bridge, and China’s Forbidden City. While it appears the individual prints are sold out, they are still available as a full set. (via Arch Atlas)