设计师马特·贝内代托热爱旅行。因此,他对旅行几乎了如指掌。不管是因为没有合适的旅行袋来放行李,还是因为红眼航班带来的疲劳,马特已经花了足够多的时间来设计让旅行和户外活动变得更容易的产品。“远航睡眠面膜”的设计目的是让长途通勤变得更容易,它是一款填充微珠的眼罩,可以根据你的面部轮廓,完全隔绝任何可能潜入的光线。这种枕头状的眼罩可以对眼睛施加轻微的压力,不仅可以防止光线进入眼睛,还可以按摩眼睛使其进入梦乡。外面的莱卡结构拉伸得很好,适合你的脸,而超细纤维内层对皮肤和眼睛感觉很好。用尼龙搭扣带在后面,你可以带睡眠面具在你头尽可能紧密或松散,和面具带有自己的微型尼龙拉带包,您可以轻松折叠你的睡眠面具,塞在你的旅行bag.Benedetto& # 8217; s睡眠面具作品完美的旅行枕他去年设计的。这两款产品都配有微珠填充,可以根据你的身体轮廓进行调整,让你在眨眼的时候有一个舒适舒适的表面可以休息。眼罩蓬松的设计也使它非常适合头朝下睡觉…因为没有什么比浪费10个小时的飞行时间试图去睡觉而没有得到任何东西更糟糕的了!设计师:马特·贝尼代托点击这里购买:$16.00。航次睡眠面膜是一个紧凑和可调的睡眠面膜与360°微珠垫为您的日常通勤,午觉,露营冒险,国际航班,和任何地方之间的完美午睡!Voyage睡眠面膜采用360°微珠衬垫,让您的整个头部舒适,让您在午睡时获得最大的支持。找到你自己的完美位置让你的眼睛休息,知道你会从任何角度得到安慰和支持。多层微珠支持他们设计了航次睡眠面膜与他们的多层支持均匀分布的垫。永远不要担心微珠全部落在航次睡眠面膜的一个部分。可调魔术贴设计享受完美的适合您的头部周围与我们的完全可调魔术贴设计。这种设计使得Voyage睡眠面膜几乎可以适应任何头部形状和尺寸,同时还可以定制脸部压力。用尼龙搭扣把它松松地戴在脖子上,这样在小睡的时候就能快速进入状态。紧凑的设计,随身携带您的航海睡眠面具与您的每一次冒险与我们包括随身携带的情况!简单地在出发前把睡眠面膜卷成一个小球。手提箱的特点是我们的签名防水尼龙布发现在我们的航海袋,其特点是自定义两个色调的地形打印和副键关闭。只要把它卷进手提箱,就可以开始下一个冒险了。面料设计他们选择了最好的面料来增加柔韧性,柔软的触感和对你身体的触感,给你带来惊人的舒适感。外部面料是由我们灵活的聚氨纶混纺面料,允许一个轻拉伸与你的身体,正如你所做的。室内长毛绒羊毛织物将再次感到非常柔软的您的皮肤,让您轻松舒适地入睡。MULITPLE颜色,选择最适合你生活的颜色!类似的,他们努力让他们的产品为自己说话!航海睡眠面膜的特点是极其微小的品牌永远不会妨碍你的下一次小睡!点击此处购买:$16.00。还剩不到48小时了!

Designer Matt Benedetto loves to travel. As a result, he knows pretty much every con there is to traveling. Whether it’s not havin
g the correct travel bag to accommodate your luggage, or whether it’s the fatigue associated with red-eye flights, Matt has spent a sufficient amount of time designing products that make traveling and spending time outdoors easier.Designed to make long commutes easier, the Voyage Sleep Mask is a padded microbead eye mask that follows the co
ntours of your face to absolutely cut out any light that might sneak in. The padded pillowy eye-mask applies a light pressure on your eyes, not o
nly keeping light from trickling in, but also massaging them to lull you into a slumber. The lycra co
nstruction on the outside stretches wo
nderfully to fit around your face, while the microfiber inner lining feels great against the skin and eyes. With a velcro strap at the back, you can strap the sleep mask around your head as tight or loose as you want, and the mask comes with its own miniature nylon drawstring bag that you can easily fold your Sleep Mask into and stash in your travel bag.Benedetto’s Sleep Mask works perfectly with the travel pillow he designed last year. Both come with a microbead filling that adjusts to the co
ntours of your body, giving you a comfortable and snug surface to rest against as you grab a few winks. The eye mask’s puffy design also makes it great for sleeping with your head facing downwards… because there’s nothing worse than wasting a 10-hour flight trying to catch some shut-eye and not getting any!Designer: Matt BenedettoClick here to Buy Now: $16.00.The Voyage Sleep Mask is the compact and adjustable sleep mask with 360° microbead padding for the perfect nap for your daily commute, a mid-day power nap, camping adventure, internatio
nal flight, and anywher
e in between!360° PADDED COMFORTThe Voyage Sleep Mask features 360° microbead padded comfort around your entire head to allow for maximum support when it’s time for you to take a nap. Find your own perfect position to rest your eyes knowing you’ll find comfort and support from any angle.MULTI-LAYER MICROBEAD SUPPORTThey designed the Voyage Sleep Mask with their multi-layer support for equal distribution of padding throughout. Never worry a
bout the microbeads falling all to one section of the Voyage Sleep Mask.ADJUSTABLE VELCRO DESIGNEnjoy the perfect fit around your head with our fully adjustable velcro design. This design allows the Voyage Sleep Mask to fit almost any head shape and size while enabling the customization of pressure against your face.Use the velcro to loosely wear it around your neck for quick access between naps.COMPACT DESIGN & CARRYING CASEBring your Voyage Sleep Mask with you on every adventure with our included carrying case! Simply Roll the sleep mask in a compact ball before heading out. The carrying case features our signature water-resistant nylon fabric found within our Voyage Bag which features a custom two tone topographic print and a paracord closure.Simply roll it up into the carrying case and be on your way to your next adventure.FABRIC DESIGNThey selected the best possible fabrics to add flexibility with a soft touch and feel against your body for amazing comfort. The exterior fabric is comprised of our flexible poly-spandex blend fabric which allows to a light stretch to move with your body just as you do. The interior plush fleece fabric will feel extremely soft again your skin allowing you to easily and comfortably fall asleep.MULITPLE COLORS & MINIMAL BRANDINGselect the colorway that best fits your life! Similar they strive to let their products speak for themselves! The Voyage Sleep Mask features extremely minimal branding to never get in the way of your next nap!Click here to Buy Now: $16.00. Hurrly, less than 48 hours left!