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& # 8216;魔术ux # 8217;这是我所见过的对增强现实最令人着迷的应用

2019-04-30 1005 0
花点时间来欣赏一下上面的视频。它在工作中使用增强现实技术,直观地填补了物理和数字工作空间之间的差距。它不需要任何教程,而且非常容易理解,因为我们组织工作空间的物理经验被带入了数字世界!满足神奇的用户体验,并在特殊项目中进行试验。神奇用户体验的理念是将我们在物理世界中进行多任务处理的方式,带到数字世界。在你的手机上同时处理多项任务或在不同任务之间切换可能会涉及大量不必要的滑动和按下图标和按钮,浪费时间。办公桌上同时处理多项任务并不复杂。如果你想写,你就拿起笔写。如果你想打字,你可以放下笔,把手放到键盘上。特别项目的工作人员认为,手机中的增强现实技术可以将这种物理上的便利带入数字世界。神奇的用户体验就是这种信念的结果。你用手机的空间感知来“锁定”应用程序在空间的某个点上,就像把笔记本放在桌子的一个角落,日历放在另一个角落,便签纸放在第三个角落。Magic UX允许你将应用程序固定在专用空间中,当你将手机移开时,应用程序就会消失在背景中。你可以创建一个应用程序的文字景观,你可以通过简单地切换你手机的位置来切换。更棒的是,你甚至可以用令人难以置信的直觉拖放项目,非常字面上拖放他们在一个虚拟空间!我迫不及待地想看到主要的移动操作系统开始注意到AR在革新我们工作方式方面的潜力!设计师:特殊项目

Take a second to appreciate what’s happening in the video above. It uses augmented reality for work in a way that intuitively plugs the gap between physical and digital workspaces. It requires no tutorials, and is so easy to understand, simply because our physical experiences of organizing our workspaces is brought into the digital world!Meet the Magic UX, and experiment by the guys at Special Projects. The idea of the Magic UX is to take the way we multitask in the physical world, and bring it to the digital world. Multitasking or switching between tasks on your phone can involve a lot of unnecessary swiping and pressing of icons and buttons that waste time. Multitasking at your desk isn’t that complicated. If you want to write, you pick up your pen and write. if you want to type, you put the pen down and move your hands to the keyboard. The guys at Special Projects believe that Augmented Reality in phones can bring that physical ease into the digital world.The Magic UX is a result of that belief. You use the phone’s spatial awareness to ‘pin’ applications in a certain point in space, much like placing your notebook in one corner of your desk, and your calendar at another, and your post-its at a third corner. Magic UX lets you pin your apps in dedicated spaces, and the minute you move your phone away, the app fades into the background. You can create a literal landscape of apps that you can switch between by simply switching the location of your phone. What’s even better is that you can even drag and drop items with incredible intuition, by quite literally dragging and dropping them in a virtual space! I can’t wait to see major mobile operating systems begin noticing the potential that AR has in revolutionizing the way we work!Designer: Special Projects