牛一直在制造轰动。牛踏板车在全球行驶里程超过10亿公里,是世界上最大的电动踏板车公司。可爱的设计(由牛的设计副总裁兼个人设计英雄Carl Liu提供)让人感觉Vespa有了现代的触感和一些令人难以置信的引擎盖下的升级,牛希望重新想象电动双轮车。同时推出的不是一款,而是两款车型,牛的NGT有望成为该公司迄今为止最强大的车型,以及M+的强大机动性,该机动性既可搭载乘客,也可搭载骑车人。配备了一个3kW的博世电机,不是一个,而是两个由松下提供的60V 35Ah(即35000毫安)电池,NGT外观光滑,带有一个大胆的赛车条纹,略有偏移,给人一种快速的感觉。令人难以置信的强大博世发动机让NGT达到70公里/小时的速度,而双电池设置使其射程超过100公里,这意味着,实际上,你需要在整个星期给你的电池充电两次。可拆卸电池可以很容易地插入电源插座,并在3个多小时或午餐前榨汁到100%,正如视频中的叙述者所说!M+专注于骑手+乘客体验,即使只有两名乘客,也能提供一流的100公里航程。
M+配备了一台1.2千瓦的博世(Bosch)发动机,最高时速可达45k/h,而车内的电池是一块48V、42Ah的松下(Panasonic)锂离子电池,重量仅为11公斤,可以很容易地拆卸并随身携带。M+还具有巡航控制功能,当滑板车继续以相同的速度滑行时,你可以把手从油门上拿开。无论是NGT和M+都配备了使电动滑板车成为一个智能的功能。这款名为NIU NGT和M+的电动双轮车拥有一个全新的仪表盘,可以与滑板车同步,提供滑板车的健康状况、电池状态等通知,甚至还有GPS功能(用来定位你的车)和防盗功能。这有助于他们来与美学和设计,是多次获奖!设计师:Carl LiuClick在这里预购您的产品。
今天,牛将推出全新的NGT和M+;两款智能电动滑板车,为您带来速度和里程的完美平衡。因为他们所有的滑板车都是联网的,你可以直接从手机上查看位置、估计的骑行距离,甚至防盗警报。自2015年以来,牛一直在设计和制造智能电动摩托车。在短短三年时间里,他们的摩托车已经在全球行驶了超过10亿公里。NGT是他们最强大的滑板车。NGT拥有一台3kW的博世(Bosch)发动机,最高转速可达70公里/小时,而且由于配备了两块可拆卸的松下(Panasonic)电池,NGT的续航里程远远超过100公里。只要给电池充一次电,你就可以轻松地开上一周的车。NPro是你们都要求的。它是一个NGT,最高时速45公里。没有其他的区别,完全一样的规格。所以在像德国这样的国家,你只需要一张汽车驾驶执照,而不是摩托车驾驶执照。你问,他们听。M+是他们M系列的最新型号:获得5+国际设计大奖。它性感、实用,适合两名车手。M+以每小时45公里的速度轻松穿梭于城市街道、林荫大道和小巷之间,真正的城市骑行距离远远超过100公里。NGT和M+均配备了业界领先的博世(BOSCH) 3kW和1.2kW无刷轮毂电机。博世3kW电机可以轻松加速到70公里/小时。

NIU’s literally been making waves. With its scooters havin
g clocked in over a billion kilometers worldwide, NIU is officially the largest e-scooter company in the world. Sporting a lovable design (courtesy NIU’s Design VP and perso
nal design hero Carl Liu) that feels like the Vespa got modern touch and some incredible under-the-hood upgrades, NIU hopes to reimagine electric two-wheeling.Launching not one, but two models simultaneously, NIU’s NGT promises to be the company’s most powerful model yet, and the M+ powerful mobility with a rider as well as a pillion passenger.Armed with a 3kW Bosch motor, and not one, but two 60V 35Ah (that’s 35,000mAh) batteries courtesy Panasonic, the NGT is sleek, and comes with a bold racing stripe that’s slightly offset, giving it a speedy vibe. The incredibly powerful Bosch motor lets the NGT hit speeds of 70km/h, while the dual battery setup gives it a range of over 100km, which means realistically, you’d need to charge your batteries twice in the entire week. The removable batteries can be easily plugged into a power outlet and juiced to 100% in just over 3 hours, or before lunch, as the narrator in the video says!The M+ focuses on a rider+passenger experience, delivering a stellar 100km range even with two passengers. The M+ comes with a 1.2kW Bosch motor that gives the bike a top speed of 45k/h, while the battery on the inside is a lightweight 48V, 42Ah Panaso
nic Li-Ion battery that weighs a mere 11 kilos and can easily be detached and carried around anywher
e. The M+ also features a cruise-co
ntrol feature that lets you take your hand off the throttle as the scooter co
ntinues gliding at the same speed.Both the NGT and M+ come packed with features that make the electric scooter a smart one. With a dashboard that’s completely reinvented for modern-day travel, and an app that syncs with the scooter to provide notifications like scooter health, battery status, and even a GPS function (to locate your vehicle) along with an anti-theft feature, the NIU NGT and M+ revolutio
nize electric two-wheel travel. And it helps that they come with an aesthetic and design that’s multiple-award-winning!Designer: Carl LiuClick Here to Pre-order Yours NowToday, NIU is introducing the all-new NGT and M+; two smart electric scooters that bring you the perfect balance of speed and range. Since all of their scooters are connected, you can check things like location, estimated riding range, and even anti-theft a
lerts straight from your phone.NIU have been designing and building smart electric scooters since 2015. In just three short years, their scooters have clocked more than 1 billion kilometers across the globe.The NGT is their most powerful scooter. The NGT has a 3kW Bosch motor that cranks out a top speed of 70km/h, and a range of well over 100 km thanks to its two removable Panaso
nic batteries. You can easily drive all week on just a single charge of your batteries.The NPro is the addition you were all asking for. It is an NGT that is capped at 45 km/h. No other differences, exactly the same specs. So in countries like Germany, you o
nly need a car license to drive it, NOT a motorbike license. You asked, they listened.The M+ is the newest model in their M-Series: winner of 5+ Internatio
nal Design Awards. It’s sexy, practical and built for 2 riders. The M+ effortlessly zips around urban streets, boulevards and alleys at 45 km/h with a real city riding range of well over 100 km.The NGT and M+ are both equipped with industry-leader BOSCH brushless hub mounted 3kW and 1.2kW motors respectively. The BOSCH 3kW motor easily accelerates up to 70 km/h.The NGT and M+ are electrified by their Panaso
nic Lithium-ion removable battery packs. A single charge takes just 3.5 hours and provides a range of well over 100 km of riding. At under 14/11 kg respectively, you can easily carry the battery into your home and charge it in any standard wall outlet, just like your computer.The NGT and M+ have an on-board computer that co
nstantly communicates with the cloud so you can view real-time data on your smart phone like GPS, recent rides, and even anti-theft a
lerts. They also provide regular Over The Air Updat
es (OTA) that gets you the most updated software for your scooter.The NGT comes standard with CBS for safe-braking at high speeds. Both the NGT and M+ come equipped with regenerative EBS braking, which effectively adds around 5% more range on a single charge.NIU technology is making co
ngestion and traffic problems of the past. Start your day with a fun commute that saves money, time and even helps the environment.Urban parking is always stressful. As cities cut down on parking spaces, the practicality of owning a scooter makes finding a spot unnecessary. With NIU, you can park closer to your destination for little to no cost at all.Weighing in at less than 14 kg and 11 kg respectively, their NGT and M+ batteries are easy to carry to and from your scooter. You can charge at home, or charge at the office and your boss will be paying for your “electric gas”.Click Here to Pre-order Yours Now