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2019-10-06 1766 0
表面面积超过13000平方米,在Inverigo Poliform实验室(科莫附近)是一种新颖的概念对于生产单位,天文台的新趋势,和一个智囊团,多种多样的专业人士——室内设计师、造型师、营销经理和摄影师——有助于企业哲学的定义。陈列室有四个“玻璃盒子”,到目前为止,家具都沉浸在高度自然的氛围中,与周围环境相互影响。现在,丹麦设计师David Thulstrup重新设计了陈列室,重新配置了空间,创造出了“舞台布景”,将展示的产品从它们通常的背景中分离出来,用更有趣的颜色和材料组合来诠释Poliform的风格。Poliform展厅有四个“玻璃盒子”,由David Thulstrup重新设计。睡眠区。& # 8220;梦床# 8221;是领先的设计和平;背景是一面抛光的卡拉拉大理石建筑墙。三种版本的“圣莫尼卡”扶手椅,背景为蓝色。

With a surface area of over 13,000 square metres, the Poliform Lab in Inverigo (near Como) is an innovative concept for a production unit, an observatory of new trends, and a think tank where a diverse range of professionals – interior designers, stylists, marketing managers and photographers – contribute to the definition of corporate philosophy. The showroom has four “glass boxes”, where until now the furnishings were immersed in a highly natural atmosphere, interacting with their surroundings. Now, Danish designer David Thulstrup has redesigned the showroom and reconfigured the spaces, creating what appear as “stage sets” that take the products displayed out of their usual contexts and interpret Poliform style in a more playful combination of colours and materials.The Poliform showroom has four “glass boxes”, redesigned by David Thulstrup as set. Pictured, the glass box features a mix of materials.The sleeping zone. The “Dream bed” is the leading design peace; on the backdrop a polished Carrara marble architectural wall.Three versions of the “Santa Monica” armchair against a blue background.