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2019-10-06 1807 0
1986年出生在莱切(Lecce)的建筑师亚历桑德拉·安托内蒂(Alessandra Antonetti)创办了这家初创企业,不到一年的时间就解决了夏天脚出汗、冬天脚结冰的问题。她的想法叫Aria,是一款智能鞋底,采用专利技术自动调节温度,保持恒定的舒适度。鞋底内置的传感器并不局限于控制这个方面:它们会记录你走了多少步,燃烧了多少卡路里,并检查你的姿势。这些数据可以通过你的智能手机与你的医生或私人教练共享。Aria,由Alessandra Antonetti设计的智能鞋底。鞋底内置的传感器会自动调节温度,跟踪你走了多少步,燃烧了多少卡路里,并检查你的姿势。几年前发明的《em>Air》的前身是《em>XMetrics》,这是一种游泳运动员在下水前可以戴在后脑膜上的仪器。它将三个生物力学传感器与一个复杂的算法结合起来,跟踪生物医学参数和性能数据,并通过耳机与它们即时通信。这个虚拟教练是安德里亚里纳尔多(Andrea Rinaldo)的主意。里纳尔多曾是一名职业游泳运动员,最初是通过众筹活动推出的,后来投入生产。XMetrics,源自Andrea Rinaldo的一个想法。它将三个生物力学传感器与一个复杂的算法结合起来,跟踪生物医学参数和性能数据,并通过耳机与它们即时通信。

It’s not even one year old the start-up launched by Alessandra Antonetti, an architect born in Lecce in 1986 who has found a solution to the problem of sweaty feet in the summer and icy ones in the winter. Her idea is called Aria and is a smart sole that uses patented technology to adjust its temperature automatically, maintaining a constant level of comfort. The sensors built into the sole do not limit themselves to controlling this aspect: they keep track of the number of steps you take and the calories you burn and check your posture. The data can be shared through your smartphone with your doctor or personal trainer.Aria, a smart sole designed by Alessandra Antonetti. The sensors built into the sole adjust its temperature automatically and keep track of the number of steps you take and the calories you burn and check your posture.A forerunner of Air, created a few years earlier, is XMetrics, an instrument that swimmers can put on the back of their heads before getting into the water. Combining three biomechanical sensors with a sophisticated algorithm, it tracks biomedical parameters and performance data and communicates them instantaneously through earphones. This virtual trainer, the idea of Andrea Rinaldo, a former professional swimmer that was initially launched with a crowdfunding campaign and then entered into production, costs from 200 to 300 euros, depending on the model.XMetrics, from an idea by Andrea Rinaldo. Combining three biomechanical sensors with a sophisticated algorithm, it tracks biomedical parameters and performance data and communicates them instantaneously through earphones.