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2019-10-02 2475 11
由Elisabetta Fontana (Elisabetta Fontana的笔名)设计的OM珠宝新系列,在2016年的Fuorisalone米兰圣塔姆布罗吉奥设计区(Zona Santambrogio Design District)展出。这是一个受禅宗启发的银、铜和赤铁矿系列,设计师将其与藏传佛教的祈祷轮联系在一起。这些珠宝——尤其是戒指——几乎就像冥想工具一样,标志着时间的流逝,让佩戴它们的人感到放松和愉悦,尤其是通过手指间旋转的方形部分的运动,轻轻地按摩它们。OM ring in bronzeThe OM line加入了历史悠久的Modulando line, Elifontana对黄金比例、Bruno Munari的实验和Bauhaus技术进行了深入的研究,开发了这条线。Elifontana将金匠工艺与工业流程和3D技术相结合,使用云杉、关节和几何单元进行实验,通过替换融合,使珠宝具有动感、互动性和趣味性。由于它们的通用性,其中一些甚至可以从戒指变成吊坠或别针,反之亦然。莫丹多作品集,rettangolo aureo scultoreooalmost eso深奥的象征主义是显而易见的,在她使用近乎完美的形状,由圆,矩形和正方形部分组成。就像Cerchio nel Cerchio ,来自于Modulando系列的标志性戒指,五个同心圆组成一个五边形,根据毕达哥拉斯的说法,这是宇宙和谐的象征,能够消除不良影响。莫丹多收藏,塞吉奥·奈尔·塞吉奥去画廊

The new line of OM jewellery by Elifontana, the pseudonym of Elisabetta Fontana, was presented in Milan at the Fuorisalone 2016, in the Zona Santambrogio Design District. A Zen-inspired collection in silver, bronze and hematite that the designer linked to the Tibetan practice of the prayer wheel. Almost as if they were meditation tools, the jewellery – particularly the rings –  mark the passage of time, and relax and entertain those who wear them, especially via the movements of the square sections that rotate between the fingers massaging them gently.OM ring in bronzeThe OM line joins the historic Modulando line, which Elifontana developed by carrying out an in-depth study of the golden ratio, the experimentations of Bruno Munari and the Bauhaus techniques. Combining goldsmith craftsmanship with industrial processes and 3D technology, Elifontana carried out experiments using sprues, joints and geometric units that, by replacing fusion, make the jewellery kinetic, interactive and fun. And thanks to their versatility a few of them can even be transformed from rings into pendants or pins, and vice versa.Modulando collection, rettangolo aureo scultoreoThe almost esoteric symbolism is evident in her use of nearly perfect shapes, composed of circles, rectangles and square sections. Like Cerchio nel cerchio, the iconic ring from the Modulando collection, where five concentric circles form a pentagon, which according to Pythagorus was the symbol of universal harmony capable of annihilating bad influences.Modulando collection, Cerchio nel cerchioGo to the gallery