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2019-10-02 2301 0
“Taccia”:bianco opaco per il riflettore, trasparente per il supporto。Opzione presto esclusa a causa delle deformazioni生成dal calore della lampadina a incandescenza。1962年普拉帕达·塔西亚的压岁曲。进化one dalla lampada Taccia del 1962真主安拉Taccia领导del 2016。1958年,一直热衷于创新的Achille和Pier Giacomo Castiglioni选择塑料作为“Taccia”的材料。灯:反射镜为哑光白色,支架为透明。然而,由于白炽灯泡的热量产生的变形,这个想法很快就被放弃了。1962年,Flos改变了材料,用铝做反射器,用透明玻璃做扩散器,并将这种灯投入生产。Flos保持了其新版本Taccia的原始想法,但引入了聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)技术,使永久不可变形的基础,和COB LED灯技术。这种新灯有几个优点:重量轻、可调光、价格便宜。2016年,Taccia领导small。(照片di Frank Huelsboemer)。礼貌的Fondazione Achille Castiglioni

Da sempre innovatori, nel 1958 Achille e Pier Giacomo Castiglioni scelsero il materiale plastico per il progetto della lampada “Taccia“: bianco opaco per il riflettore, trasparente per il supporto. Opzione presto esclusa a causa delle deformazioni generate dal calore della lampadina a incandescenza.Prototipo finale della lampada Taccia, 1962. (Courtesy Fondazione A. Castiglioni)Evoluzione dalla lampada Taccia del 1962 alla Taccia Led del 2016.In 1958, Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, who had always been keen on innovation, chose plastic as the material for their “Taccia” lamp: matt white for the reflector, clear for the support. That idea soon had to be abandoned, though, because of the deformation generated by the heat of the incandescent bulb. In 1962 Flos changed the materials and put the lamp into production using aluminium for the reflector and clear glass for the diffuser, in a version that has since remained unchanged. Flos has kept to the original idea for its new version of Taccia but introduces polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) technology to make a permanently non-deformable base, and COB LED light technology. The new lamp offers several advantages: it is lightweight, dimmable and inexpensive.Taccia Led small, 2016. (Photo di Frank Huelsboemer)In Abitare 555 at the newsstands from June 3.courtesy Fondazione Achille Castiglioni