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2019-10-01 2075 6
由菲利普·斯塔克设计,这家法国公司生产的燃木Speetbox炉子Speeta出生的模块化单元:两个50厘米x 50厘米立方体(火模块和电气模块)的基本解决方案的一个灵活的系统可以构建“相关”元素,根据每个客户# 8217;需求,包含日志、座椅、书籍或盒子的岩石积累的热量。Speetbox将这种线性设计与尖端技术相结合,确保了79%的能源效率,而传统的燃木炉子通常可以达到70%的能源效率,而且与传统炉子相比,它产生的灰尘量显著减少。灰尘可以通过Android上的一个应用程序进行监测(很快就会进入应用商店),该应用程序允许用户控制和编程系统的所有参数。过去,供暖系统行业更多关注的是技术进步如何改善功能,而不是美观,而现在,大多数品牌都在考虑外形——超薄、圆形、高、窄、长——以及从皂石到玛爵丽嘉(majolica)、玻璃到钢铁的饰面。为了将他们开发的技术转化为家具,今年Speeta决定拜访国际知名设计师菲利普·斯塔克(Philippe Starck)。其结果是,这种炉子是去年2月在维罗纳举行的国际富奥科博览会(international Progetto Fuoco fair)上推出的最有趣的新设计之一。如此多有趣的新可能性值得花时间去了解他们,以了解这个不断增长的市场和最先进的趋势。即使冬天已经过去,至少在意大利,火炉和壁炉的温度会一直保持到明年秋天。去看视频

Designed by Philippe Starck, the wood-burning Speetbox stove produced by the French company Speeta was born from on the idea of the modular unit: two 50 cm x 50 cm cubes (the fire module and the electric module) are the basic solution around which a flexible system of “related” elements can be built, according to each customer’s needs, which contain logs, seats, books or boxes for rocks that accumulate heat.Speetbox combines this linear design with cutting-edge technology that ensures 79% energy efficiency as compared to the 70% usually achieved by traditional wood-burning stoves, and it produces a remarkably reduced quantity of dust with respect to a classic stove. The dust can be monitored through an app available on Android (and coming soon to the App Store) that allows the user to control and programme all the system’s parameters.Whereas in the past the heating systems sector focused more on how technological advancements could improve function rather than on aesthetics, now the majority of brands are thinking about form – super-thin, round, tall, narrow and long – and about finishes, from soapstone to majolica, glass to steel. In order to translate the technologies they developed into furnishings, this year Speeta decided to call on an internationally famous designer like Philippe Starck. The result is this stove that is one of the most interesting new designs to emerge from last February’s international Progetto Fuoco fair in Verona, where there was in fact a notable boom in interest for hybrid fireplaces, fuelled by pellets, wood or water. So many interesting new possibilities that it’s worth taking the time to learn about them in order to understand this growing market and the most advanced trends. Even if winter is over and, at least in Italy, the stoves and fireplaces will be cold until next autumn. Go to the video