一年多前,当节能LED灯泡市场开始变得更有价格竞争力时,这只是一个玩笑。由克雷莫纳的Luigi Gamba设计的回收项目以灯具为特色,或者更确切地说是“电雕塑”,即台灯、落地灯或吊灯。它们都是用从各种不同来源回收的部件制成的,其中一些是对崇拜对象的明确指示,比如Castiglioni兄弟的
Parentesi和Rietveld的枝形吊灯。由Gerrit Rietveld免费演绎的吊灯,配有有机玻璃管、偏振光过滤器、乌木立方体、自行车辐条、黄铜端子和六个1.5W LED灯泡。小磁铁用于辐条和乌木立方体之间的连接。它们很轻,而且是独一无二的手工制品,用的材料本来会被扔进垃圾堆,比如车把、齿轮或自行车灯(只有玻璃灯,是从老式自行车回收的)、电脑部件,以及Gamba作为琵琶制造者的官方职业的许多残余物。这些作品的选择不仅仅是因为它们的原创性,还因为它们的功能性。以钢轮辐为例,它既非常灵活,又像LED灯泡所需要的那样,是低电流的优秀导体,以至于它们可以取代电线。或者是电脑或智能手机液晶显示屏上的偏振光过滤器,它们非常适合传播和放大光线,产生不同的效果,可以根据用户的需要进行调整。有机玻璃表面也是如此,它是用一种特殊的技术抛光和呈现不透明。由Gamba手工制作的大约30盏灯现在正在米兰的Laboratorio Vip展览和销售。Oleo, Luigi Gamba制作的第一盏灯,使用了四个弯曲的玻璃自行车灯。去画廊

It started as a joke a little more than a year ago, when the market for energy-efficient LED lightbulbs started to become more price competitive. The recycLED project by the Cremona-ba
sed Luigi Gamba features light fixtures, or rather “electric sculptures”, that are table lamps, floor lamps or pendant lights. They are all made with parts recovered from a variety of different sources, and some are explicit homages to cult objects like
Parentesi by the Castiglioni brothers and the chandelier by Rietveld.A free interpretation of the Hanging Lamp by Gerrit Rietveld, with Plexiglass tubes, polarizing filters, cubes of ebony, bicycle spokes, brass terminals and six 1.5W LED lightbulbs. Small magnets were used for the joints between the spokes and the ebony cubes.They are light and unique artefacts made of materials that would otherwise be headed for the rubbish heap, like handlebars, gear wheels or bicycle lights (o
nly glass ones, recycled from vintage bicycles), computer compo
nents and lots of leftovers from Gamba’s official profession as a lute maker. The majority of these pieces were chosen not just for their originality but also for their functionality. Take the case of the steel wheel spokes, which are both very flexible and also excellent co
nductors of low currents like those required by LED lightbulbs, so much so that they can take the place of electric wires. Or the polarizing filters from the liquid crystal displays of computers or smartphones, which are perfect for spreading and amplifying light, creating different effects that can be adjusted to suit the user’s need. So too the Plexiglass surfaces, which are polished and rendered opaque using a special technique. The thirty or so lamps that have been handcrafted by Gamba are now on display and for sale in Milan at Laboratorio Vip.Oleo, the first lamp made by Luigi Gamba using four little curved glass bicycle lights.Go to the gallery