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2019-10-02 1826 0
费利西亚·费隆(Felicia Ferrone)在俄亥俄州迈阿密大学(Miami University)获得建筑学学位后,忍不住飞往米兰。她的曾祖父母在一个多世纪前离开了朝鲜半岛。她的目的地可能不是别人,正是米兰,一个大写字母D的设计之家,一个让意大利闻名世界的地方。在与Citterio和Lissoni等一些最著名的设计工作室合作,以及在Boffi工作的几年时间里,费利西亚在米兰待了将近六年,之后回到美国,Boffi决定向美国市场开放。那时候看到她获得很多经验与公司内部架构和各种不同的角色(“工作在一个展厅,商店和密切联系生产方面教我不再思考建筑的规模,而是1:1比例”,她说)2010年费利西亚回到她的家乡芝加哥,创立自己的品牌FFerrone设计。她开始革命收集(一组眼镜之前,她创造了近十年,但从未起飞)的生产在2004年赢得了好的设计奖项和奖品最好的家具收藏在国际当代家具展(ICFF)的纽约。《今日革命》是芝加哥艺术学院永久收藏的一部分。换句话说,首演不错,这是毫无疑问的。革命系列,glassesFelicia的文化根源可以追溯到国际风格和极简主义美学,在米兰大教堂顶上的小金像Madonnina的阴影下,空气中弥漫着这种极简主义美学,但她也喜欢改变一些东西。她解释说:“我喜欢从原型开始,通过重新解释形式和用途来重新创造它们。”“我希望人们遇到我的物品时,不要被动地去体验,而是要被迫提问。”,这# 8217;s曲折图书馆为什么要避开靠着墙的约束,能够保持自己安全,增加从一个房间的中心,而小转变桌子中间有一个洞,迫使任何人想一本书或一个玻璃不是茫然地,但记住,主角永远是,转变。未来会是什么样子?“今年5月,我将在纽约的ICFF上展示一些家具,它们具有特定的深度,有几层可以防止人们立即阅读它们。这是一个真正涉及到与表面的工作,有不同的和意想不到的完成。这就是为什么与芝加哥当地的几位工匠建立合作关系是如此重要。很少有人知道这一点,但芝加哥就像布里安扎(Brianza),这里有很多专门制作家具的工匠。鸟笼、吊灯(Foto di Sophie Paolino)是如何产生这个想法的?“就我而言,我经常经历一种‘视觉阅读障碍’的现象;有时候我看着一个物体,却看不到它是什么。然后我再看一遍,我意识到我的错误。但第一印象会留下不可磨灭的痕迹,那是赋予新想法生命的种子。很奇怪,对吧?“奇怪但有效。然后从自己的错误中吸取教训总是人生重要的一课。去画廊

After graduating with a degree in Architecture from Miami University in Ohio, Felicia Ferrone couldn’t help but fly to Milan. It was a reverse journey to the one undertaken by her paternal great-grandparents, who had left the peninsula more than a century before. Her destination could be none other than Milan, the home of design with a capital D, the one that made Italy famous around the world. Between collaborations with some of the most notable design studios, among them Citterio and Lissoni, and years working at Boffi, Felicia spent nearly six years in Milan before returning to the United States when Boffi decided to open up to the American market. That time saw her gain lots of experience with architecture and a variety of different roles within the company (“Working in a showroom, in a store and in close contact with the production side taught me to no longer think about the scale of the building but on a 1:1 scale”, she said)In 2010 Felicia returned to her native Chicago and founded her own brand FFerrone Design. She started off with the Revolution Collection (a collection of glasses that she had created nearly ten years before, but production of which never took off) which in 2004 had won the Good Design Award and the prize for the best furniture collection at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) of New York. Today Revolution is part of the permanent collection at the Art Institute of Chicago. In other words not a bad debut, no doubt about it.Revolution Collection, glassesFelicia’s cultural roots stretch back to the International Style and the minimalist aesthetic that is in the air under the shadow of the Madonnina, the little golden statue that sits atop Milan’s cathedral, but she also likes to shake things up. “I like to start from archetypes and reinvent them by reinterpreting forms and uses”, she explains. “I want people who come across my objects not to experience them in a passive way but to be forced to ask questions.” And that’s why the Zig Zag library had to eschew the constraint of leaning against a wall and be able to hold itself up so that it could rise safely from the centre of a room, while the small Shift table has a hole in the middle that forces anyone who wants to place a book or a glass on it not to do so absentmindedly, but keeping in mind that the protagonist will always be it, Shift.Zig Zag, bookcase (Foto di Jill Buckner)What does the future hold? “I will be showing some furnishings at the ICFF in New York in May that have particular depth, several layers that prevent them from being read immediately. It’s a piece that really involves working with surfaces that have different and unexpected finishes. That’s why it was so important to build collaborative relationships with several local craftsmen in Chicago. Few people know this but Chicago is like Brianza, it’s an area with lots of craftsmen who specialise in making furniture.”Bird Cages, pendant lamps (Foto di Sophie Paolino)How did this idea come about? “In my case I often experience a phenomenon of ‘visual dyslexia’; sometimes I’ll look at an object without seeing it for what it is. Then I look at it again and I realize my mistake. But the first impression leaves an indelible trace, the seed that gives life to a new idea. Strange, right?” Strange but effective. And then learning from one’s own mistakes is always an important life lesson.Go to the gallery