有自动驾驶汽车,清洁世界海洋塑料的系统,不完美水果和蔬菜的广告宣传。换句话说,尽管2015年的获奖作品非常多样化,但它们都有一个共同点:它们是革命性的,因为它们对现状提出了质疑,让我们看到了应对当今挑战的新方案。建筑、交通、数字、时尚、图形和产品,这些都是正在考虑的六个类别。评审团主席是英裔印度艺术家Anish Kapoor。是什么使获奖者与其他76名被提名者区别开来?例如,“自动驾驶汽车”不仅因为它的设计而被认可,而且因为它完全改变了我们现在使用汽车的方式,而且它允许在没有司机的情况下旅行。智利Elemental工作室在圣地亚哥设计的加州大学创新中心获得了建筑奖,因为其独特的立面被“宏观缩进”打断,同时作为公共区域、通风走廊和自然光的来源。加州大学创新中心dello工作室di architettura cileno ElementalThe“海洋清洁”背后的理念具有内在的创新性。该计划是在海洋部分区域设置数百公里长的漂浮屏障,在那里洋流会自然地将每年堆积在屏障中的大量塑料推入屏障,然后将其收集起来。海洋清理“芯片上的人体器官”也是一种工具,如果它投入使用,可能会彻底改变动物实验。它们是能够测试药物的微芯片,可以评估对人类的影响。哈佛大学德尔维斯研究所的芯片上的人体器官广告宣传活动“不名誉的水果和Intermarche的“蔬菜”是一个很有创意的主意,它可以推广有机产品,帮助人们克服对有时看起来怪异和不完美的水果和蔬菜的厌恶。不光彩的水果,最后,时装设计师托马斯·泰特(Thomas Tait)凭借其以特殊面料和剪裁为特色的系列获得了时尚类奖项。本次展览包括76个提名项目,将于2016年3月在伦敦设计博物馆开幕。去画廊

There is the self-driving car, the system to clean up plastic from the world’s oceans, the advertising campaign for imperfect fruits and vegetables. In other words, despite being quite diverse the winners of Designs of the Year 2015 share a common thread: they are revolutio
nary because they question the status quo and allow us to see new solutions to today’s challenges. Architecture, transport, digital, fashion, graphics and product, these are the six categories under consideration. The chair of the jury is the British-Indian artist Anish Kapoor. What set the winners apart from the other seventy-six nominees being considered? The “self-driving car”, for example, was recognized not just for its design but also because it totally changes how we could use cars compared to today, and it allows for travel without a driver.The UC Innovation Center in Santiago designed by the Chilean studio Elemental received the architecture award thanks to its unique facade that is interrupted by “macro indentations” that function simultaneously as common areas, ventilation corridors and sources of natural light.UC Innovation Center dello studio di architettura cileno ElementalThe idea behind “The Ocean Cleanup” is inherently innovative. The plan is to set up several hundred-kilometre-long floating barriers in parts of the ocean wher
e the currents will naturally push the enormous quantities of plastic that accumulate every year into the barriers, and then gather it up.Ocean Clean-Up“Human Organs-on-Chips” is also a tool which, if it becomes operational, could revolutio
nize animal testing. They are microchips capable of testing medicines to e
valuate the effects on humans.Human Organs-on-Chips del Wyss Institute at Harvard UniversityThe advertising campaign “Inglorious Fruits & Vegetables” by Intermarché was an ingenious idea to promote organic products and help people get over their distaste for sometimes bizarre and imperfect looking fruits and vegetables.Inglorious Fruits & VegetablesAnd finally in the fashion category the fashion designer Thomas Tait was recognized for his collection featuring special fabrics and tailoring.Categoria fashion, abito dello stilista Thomas TaitThe exhibit, which features all seventy-six nominated projects, will be open at the Design Museum of Lo
ndon through March 2016.Go to the gallery