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3 d印制的食物吗?不久你就可以自己试一试了

2019-10-01 2415 0
未来就是现在,至少在用3D打印机打印我们自己的食物时是这样。美国宇航局委托位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的系统和材料研究公司进行了一项潜在的火星任务,这不仅仅是为宇航员提供高能食物。从今年开始,几款家用食品打印机将推向市场。到2015年年中,你就能买到美国3D系统公司的ChefJet Pro了。该公司在为从航空航天到医疗保健等广泛行业设计和生产类似设备方面已有悠久的历史。ChefJet Pro是一家专业用糖印刷的公司,每小时可以印刷100个糖果,但它也可以制作各种形状、颜色和味道的糖霜和其他甜点装饰品。这家公司很快将推出CocoJet打印机,利用先进的3D扫描技术,用巧克力制作艺术几何形状,重现复杂的现实形状,甚至人脸。3D系统公司的CocoJet打印机打印出的固体牛奶巧克力形状。市场上最通用的机器是Foodini,来自西班牙公司Natural machines。从今年上半年开始,将会有少量的公寓可供选择,更多的公寓将在6月份推出。每台机器大约1000欧元。Foodini可以打印出非常精细的图层,厚度可达1.5毫米,甚至可以制作出单份的甜食和美味佳肴。选择包括意大利馄饨,意大利面,素食和肉类汉堡包,乳蛋饼,比萨饼,饼干和更多,更多。除了使用方便外,这台机器的一个主要优点是它允许你使用新鲜的原料。根据设备自带的数码配方,这些胶囊可以被倒入五个钢制胶囊中。这台打印机有触摸屏界面,可以连接到互联网。看起来像珊瑚的饼干是用烤红辣椒做的。由自然的机器。Biozoon公司在欧盟的资助下开发了另一款打印机。这台机器可以打印出柔软、营养丰富的菜肴,模仿天然食品的味道,尤其是鸡肉、牛排和蔬菜。这些食物将吸引那些有咀嚼困难的人,比如老年人。由Biozoon 3D打印机提供的食物之一。它看起来像一条带蔬菜的鸡腿,但它的稠度更像是一种浓汤。去画廊

The future is now, at least when it comes to printing our own food with 3D printers. And it’s not just the high-energy food for astronauts on a potential mission to Mars that NASA commissioned from the Systems and Materials Research Corporation in Austin, Texas. Starting this year several food printers meant for home use will be brought to market.By the middle of 2015 you will be able to buy a ChefJet Pro by the American firm 3D Systems. This company already has a long history of designing and producing similar devices for a wide range of industries, from aerospace to healthcare. ChefJet Pro specializes in printing with sugar, up to 100 candies per hour, but it can also make icing and various other dessert decorations of every shape, colour and flavour. The same company will soon launch the CocoJet printer, which can make artistic geometric forms out of chocolate using advanced 3D scanning to recreate complex real-life shapes and even people’s faces.A solid milk chocolate shape printed by 3D Systems’ CocoJet printer.The most versatile of the machines coming to market is the Foodini, from the Spanish firm Natural Machines. A limited number of units will be available starting in the first half of the year, with more coming out in June. Each machine will cost about €1,000. Foodini prints very fine layers, up to 1.5 mm thin, and can produce even single portions of sweet and savoury foods ready for cooking. Options include ravioli, spaghetti, vegetarian and meat hamburgers, quiche, pizza, biscuits and much, much more. One of the major advantages of this machine, besides how easy it is to use, is that it allows you to use fresh ingredients. These can be poured into five steel capsules according to the digital recipes that come with the unit. This printer has a touchscreen interface and can connect to the Internet.Crackers that look like coral made with roasted red peppers. Courtesy Natural Machines.Another printer, by Biozoon, was developed with financing from the European Union. This machine can print soft and nutritious dishes that mimic the taste of natural foods, especially chicken, steak and vegetables. These meals will appeal to people who have difficulty chewing, such as the elderly.One of the meals offered by the Biozoon 3D printer. It looks like a chicken thigh with a side of vegetables, but the consistency is more like a puree.Go to the gallery