25个项目彻底改造了移动性。这是福特最近宣布的一项新举措,旨在研究未来的交通。这个项目是关于我们城市正在发生的变化以及城市居民习惯的变化。全世界的城市都将成为这个实验的一部分,从伦敦到亚特兰大,从纽约到班加罗尔,这个名单还在继续。有一些解决方案可以解决停车问题和按需车辆的使用问题,他们正在收集人们如何出行的数据,使用公共交通的社交方面的数据,以及其他更多的信息。所有这些项目的起源都可以追溯到技术革命,不久之后,所有的交通工具都将连接到网络,相互连接,并连接到未来的智能城市。在巴塞罗那举行的世界移动大会上,我们与福特负责研究和高级工程的副总裁肯•华盛顿(Ken Washington)会面,讨论了这一新的愿景。福特在会上展示了两款智能自行车原型。“模式:我”和“模式:专业版”都可以折叠起来放进汽车或面包车里,然后拿出来,让通勤者或送快递的人可以在车流和废气中穿行,快速轻松地到达目的地。他说,看到世界各地有这么多初创企业对提供智能解决方案来解决流动性问题、迎接人们面临的挑战感兴趣,这真的很令人兴奋。通过与这个运动结盟,我们希望尝试尽可能多的解决方案,所以我们可以把最好的我们的生态系统的一部分,因为一个主要关键未来的汽车将会有大量的这些特性已经集成。例如,帮助以创新的方式找到停车位,或者只有在我们真正需要的时候才使用汽车。福特(Ford)的“时尚:我”(MoDe:Me)智能自行车原型车,能让上下班更快、更便宜、对环境的破坏更小。你大谈特谈联网汽车以及它们将为乘客提供的服务,比如实时看电影或新闻。但是,这些智能汽车和智慧城市之间会有什么关系呢?探索城市本身如何成为我们的潜在客户之一,是我们实验的一个重要部分。我们正在与伦敦等城市合作开发新的汽车共享选项,在德国的几个城市,我们正在测试汽车如何与定位在路标和交通信号上的道路传感器进行交互。自然,这将使我们能够开发出更加集成的联网汽车,并与民用基础设施更好地沟通,这在未来可能导致开发不再需要人类驾驶的自动驾驶汽车。汽车制造商未来的发展趋势是什么?我们不再认为自己只是一个汽车和卡车制造商。我们认为自己是一家提供移动解决方案的科技公司,我们希望在实地实验的基础上提出创新。今年年初,我们在硅谷的帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)开设了一个新的研究中心。我们这样做是因为我们想成为技术社区的一部分,这样我们就可以改造我们的汽车和我们的服务。为了创造未来的移动解决方案,我们需要广泛的技能和经验。虚拟现实和仿真是许多跨领域创新的核心。你对由此带来的机遇感兴趣吗?当然。在帕洛阿尔托,我们正在开发一项实验,使用的软件与制作视频游戏所用的软件相同,这样我们就可以加快自动驾驶汽车的测试阶段。基本上,在我们将这些汽车上路之前,我们想要了解它们是否能够接受使用传感器自动驾驶的挑战。所以我们在一个模拟的环境中做实验,不仅在视觉上复制现实,而且根据物理定律,使它成为一个真正的虚拟城市。通过这种方式,我们可以了解使用相机、传感器或激光雷达(一种基于激光的技术)是否更有效,以确保车辆能够避开障碍物,防止事故发生。去画廊

Twenty-five projects that reinvent mobility from scratch. That is the new initiative that Ford recently announced it was undertaking in an effort to figure out the transportation of the future. This project is a
bout the changes now underway in our cities and also the changing habits of urban residents. Cities all over the world will be part of this experiment, from Lo
ndon to Atlanta, New York to Bangalore, and the list goes on. There are solutions that address parking issues and the use of on-demand vehicles, and they are gathering data a
bout how people get around, the social side of using public transportation, and many more things besides. All the projects trace their origin back to the technology revolution that will soon see all vehicles co
nnected to the web, to each other and to the smart cities of the future.We met with Ken Washington, vice president of Research and Advanced Engineering for Ford, to talk a
bout this new vision at the Mobile World Co
ngress in Barcelona wher
e Ford presented two smart bicycle prototypes. Both MoDe:Me and MoDe:Pro can be folded up and put in a car or van, then taken out so that commuters or delivery people can navigate their way through the traffic and exhaust to reach their final destination quickly and easily. ‘It’s really exciting to see so many startups around the world interested in offering intelligent solutions to resolve issues of mobility and meeting the challenges that people face. It’s through building alliances with this movement that we hope to try out as many solutions as possible so we can take the best o
nes and make them part of our ecosystem, because a major key to the vehicle of the future will be havin
g lots of these features already integrated. For example, help finding parking in innovative ways or using cars o
nly when we really need them’, explains Washington.The “MoDe:Me” smart bicycle prototype by Ford that makes the commute to work faster, cheaper and less damaging for the environment.You talk a lot a
bout co
nnected cars and the services that they will be able to offer passengers, such as watching movies or news in real time. But what will be the relatio
nship between these intelligent vehicles and smart cities?Exploring how the city itself can become one of our potential customers is an im
portant part of our experiments. We are working with cities like Lo
ndon to develop new car sharing options, and in several cities throughout Germany we are testing how cars can interact with road sensors positio
ned for example on signs and traffic signals. Naturally this would allow us to develop co
nnected vehicles that will become ever more integrated and communicate better with the civilian infrastructure, which in the future could lead to the development of self-driving vehicles that will no lo
nger need to be driven by humans.What will be the future evolution of car manufacturers?We no lo
nger co
nsider ourselves just a car and truck manufacturer. We see ourselves as a technology company that offers mobility solutions and we want to come up with innovations ba
sed on what we learn by experimenting on the ground. We opened a new research centre at the beginning of this year in Palo Alto, in the Silicon Valley, wher
e the most innovative companies in the world are ba
sed. We did it because we want to be part of the technology community so that we can transform our vehicles and our services. In order to create the mobility solutions of the future we will need a wide range of skills and experiences.Virtual reality and simulation are at the heart of a lot of innovation across different sectors. Are you interested in the opportunities that might come from that?Certainly. In Palo Alto we are developing an experiment using the same software that is used to make videogames so that we can accelerate the test phase of our self-driving vehicles. Basically before we ever take these cars on the road we want to understand if they are up to the challenge of driving themselves using sensors. So we do experiments in a simulated enviro
nment that not o
nly replicates reality visually, but also according to the laws of physics, making it a true virtual city. That way we can understand if it is more effective to use cameras, sensors, or Lidar, which is a technology ba
sed on the use of lasers, to make sure that the vehicle can avoid obstacles and prevent accidents.Go to the gallery