多年来,为了实现将美好的商品与社会使命结合起来的目标,人们进行了许多尝试。帕特丽夏·乌尔奎拉(Patricia Urquiola)通过她最近为西班牙甘公司(Gan)设计的项目实现了这个梦想。Urquiola设计了一系列刺绣条,其生产工艺完全符合印度一个小社区的生产能力,该社区专门生产漂亮的地毯,但失业率很高。这些带子有60厘米宽,边缘有维可牢尼龙搭扣。这一巧妙简单的解决方案允许条带粘在一起,形状覆盖任何数量的表面,以有趣的,往往并列的方式。背景颜色都是中性的,但刺绣是明亮的颜色,图案和大针脚是手工缝制的。这个概念被用于制作各种形状和尺寸的地毯和覆盖物,用于沙发、扶手椅、小袋、床头板,甚至橱柜门。每件作品都可以从无穷无尽的选择中进行个性化和模块化组装。去画廊

Throughout the years there have been many attempts to achieve the goal of uniting beautiful goods with a social mission. Patricia Urquiola has realized that dream through her most recent project for the Spanish firm Gan, which brings together co
nvenience and artisan production.Urquiola designed a series of embroidered strips whose production process fits perfectly with the manufacturing capabilities of a small Indian community that specializes in creating beautiful rugs, but suffers from high unemployment. These strips are 60 centimetres wide and have Velcro running under the edges. This ingeniously simple solution allows for the strips to be stuck together and shaped to cover any number of surfaces in interesting and often juxtaposing ways. The background colours are all neutral but the embroidery is brightly coloured, and the patterns and large stitches are hand sewn.This co
ncept was used to make rugs and coverings of all shapes and sizes for sofas, armchairs, poufs, headboards and even cabinet doors. Each piece can be perso
nalized and modularly assembled from an endless variety of choices.Go to the gallery