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2019-11-09 1713 0
      我们生活在一个生活空间一天比一天小的世界里:家庭变得越来越小,工作生活的趋势也发生了变化,因此,有很多产品适合这种生活方式。这位工业设计师希望通过设计来更好地利用这个小空间。Smart Tray智能餐盘专为年龄在20-30岁之间的年轻单身职场人士设计,他们喜欢一边吃东西一边看电视、玩电脑、玩手机或看书,以此来消除孤独感。在这种情况下,他们不再用厨房做饭了。智能托盘的概念,提供了一个有效的物理和社会问题解决方案。我们通常需要更多的器具和工具来生活,比如洗碗或清洁,但由于空间有限,这一行动并没有得到积极的支持,这个托盘有助于形成一个更积极的态度。智能托盘利用智能材料,根据温度来创建多种形状记忆合金托盘,从而灵活性高,为您提供更多的功能。

We live in the world where living space becomes smaller by day. Families are getting smaller and work life trends have changed as well, thus, there are many products released to fit this lifestyle. Keeping that in mind, this industrial designer wants to facilitate a better use of this small space through design.Smart Tray is dedicated to young and single professionals between 20-30 who prefer to eat alone whilst engaging with their TV, computers, mobile phone, or book as a way to eliminate feelings of loneliness. In this case, they don’t use the kitchen for cooking anymore. Smart Tray concept provides an efficient solution to physical and social issues identified to create more harmony in your home. We need more appliances and tools to live such as washing up or cleaning, but due to limited space, this action is not actively embraced. This tray facilitates a more positive attitude towards this observation.Smart Tray utilizes smart materials in order to create multiple shape memory alloy tray based on the temperature to dictate the form, thus, allowing for flexibility to provide you with more functions.Designer : Ryan Jongwoo ChoiClick above image for bigger view
