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2019-12-09 3391 0
      根据最近的研究,未来世界上大多数人口将生活在城市地区,世界人口总数将增加约30亿人。Urban Skyfarm的提议是受到Dickson Despommier博士的垂直农场概念的启发,这是一个来解决我们未来的土地短缺,森林砍伐,当然,还有由于人口过剩造成的环境污染问题的可能解决方案。这里的想法是在首尔市中心建立一个垂直农场,紧邻清溪川,清溪川是当地粮食生产和分配的理想场所。这个空中农场利用水培系统来代替基于土壤的农业扩展,但是由于控制了环境(热、光、湿度),它能够生产同样的食物,但更有效和更健康。

      城市天空农场将是一个零能源设施,它使用太阳能和风能生产的可再生能源进行生产过程,包括运输和食品配送。Urban Skyfarm把我们的食物生产提升到高空中,植被可以获得更多的自然阳光和新鲜空气,同时地面也得到解放,可以享受建筑的阴凉。树木形态的生物模拟提供了许多结构上的优势,如不同的重量,不同的农业活动。植物的根、干、枝、叶各主要组成部分均有其自身的空间特征,适合不同的农作条件。露天的甲板区域可以用于中型植被,而较低的区域则可以用于多叶植物。基本上,城市天空农场创造了一个迷你生态系统,为我们的城市社区带来平衡。

based on recent studies, in the future, most world’s population will live in urban areas, and the total of world population will increase by about 3 billion people. Urban Skyfarm proposal was inspired by Dr. Dickson Despommier’s concept of vertical farm, it’s a possible solution to deal with our future problems of land shortage, deforestation, and of course, environmental pollution due to over population.The idea here is to locate a vertical farm in downtown of Seoul, right adjacent to the Cheonggyecheon stream which is an ideal place to host local food production and distribution. This skyfarm takes advantage of hydroponic system as substitution to soil based agricultural extensions, yet it is able to produce the same food but more efficient and healthy thanks to controlled environment (heat, light, moisture). Urban Skyfarm will be a zero energy facility, it uses renewable energy produced by both solar and wind energy for the production process, including transportation and food distribution.Designer : Steve LeeBy lifting our food production high up in the air, vegetations can gain more exposure to natural sunlight and fresh air while the ground level is freed up and can enjoy the shade of the building. The bio mimicry of the tree form offers many structural advantages such as different light weight to diverse farming activities. All major components of the plants from root, trunk, branch and leave have their own spatial characteristics, suitable for various farming conditions. The open air, deck area, can be used for medium based vegetations while the lower areas with more controlled environments can be used for leafy productions. Basically Urban Skyfarm creates mini ecosystem to bring balance back to our urban community.
