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2020-02-11 1513 0

      房屋 在勒克瑙,印度北部的一个大城市,它覆盖着遮挡阳光的屏障,在一天中创造了不同的光模式,并减轻了来自路过街道的交通噪音

sanjay puri 18 screens   

      这一设计几乎完全是由生混凝土建造的,符合勒克瑙的气候,在漫长的夏季,气温超过35摄氏度(95°F)。  Sanjay puri建筑师 从传统的印度建筑中衍生出屏风的图案,以及该地区著名的“奇坎”刺绣技术。这个包层包围了每个房间的室外座位区域,每个房间在南,西,东,而在北侧的大玻璃窗允许间接光线进入房子。

sanjay puri 18 screens

      在内部,住宅参照该地区的庭院房屋,房间和遮蔽的露台围绕着一个双高,自然通风的庭院。 不同的体积比例,不同的分区空间,使每个生活空间都有自己的特性,庭院将它们凝聚在一起。最后,花园阴影的结构,可以使用整个夏天。

sanjay puri 18 screens

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun

sanjay puri architects uses 18 screens to shield house in northern india from the hot sun





sanjay puri 18 screens house lucknow india designboomfloor plan / level 0
image courtesy of sanjay puri architects

sanjay puri 18 screens house lucknow india designboomfloor plan / level +1
image courtesy of sanjay puri architects

sanjay puri 18 screens house lucknow india designboomsections
image courtesy of sanjay puri architects

sanjay puri 18 screens house lucknow india designboomdiagrams 
