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2020-02-18 1852 0

      为了对比墨西哥城典型的强烈色彩和充满活力的室内设计,建筑师francesc rifé在AdH house的设计中使用了干净的几何图形和宁静的调色板,位于洛马斯·德·查普尔特佩克的居民区房子设计简洁,对内部和外部都有着深刻的秩序感。


      francesc rifé将“AdH house”分成两个主要的空间,第一个空间垂直流通于三层。几乎没有视觉干扰,沿着栏杆的金属饰面代表了设计团队强调细节的一贯目标。该设计邀请居住者向上朝着悬挂在天窗上的一群灯移动,强调双倍高度的空间。底层是聚集空间,包括两个客厅和餐厅,可以通过全高窗户进入露台。第二层有四间卧室,每间都有一间浴室和通往两个普通客厅的通道。

francesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico city


francesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico cityfrancesc rifé situates austere and minimal AdH house within vibrant mexico city
