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经典的夏季住宅|法国科西嘉岛Santa Teresa房屋

2020-03-03 1305 0

            在法国的科西嘉岛,amelia tavella完成了“casa santa teresa”的设计。这位土生土长的建筑师翻修了一栋20世纪50年代的旧房,打造了一个新的海滨居住。距离海滩仅一箭之遥,该设计注重充分利用田园诗般的地理位置,并颂扬自然景观。

法国科西嘉岛Santa Teresa房屋


amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom


amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom


amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom

      从本质上来说,tavella与casa santa teresa合作,旨在打造一个经典的夏季住宅:光滑的白色立面永远不会映入眼帘,植物和花朵依然是游泳池和露台的守护者。这是典型的度假屋,萦绕在我童年快乐夜晚的记忆中,夜晚拥抱白天,美丽是一种庆祝。'

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom


amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom 

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom    

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom      

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom

amelia tavella's casa santa teresa celebrates nature on the island of corisca designboom
