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2020-03-05 1232 0

            建筑工作室a20 arquitectos使用木材帮助这个度假屋融入了多米尼加共和国的森林环境。这个名为casa del bosque的项目是作为“家庭的舒适和温暖”的空间表现设计的。


      casa del bosque位于多米尼加森林深处,其自然色调反映了周围的郁郁葱葱。这个项目的灵感来自于客户对整个场地徒步旅行的强烈记忆,这种记忆通过一组沉重交错的遮荫檐表现出来。

timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos

       控制着整个房子的流通,a20 arquitectos想提供一些私密的瞬间,来对比延伸到周围景观的通风空间。略微迂回的路线,允许用户的精神沉浸回归到沉思和平静的状态。

timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos

       casa del bosque坐落在一个斜坡上,但移出了山顶,这让它感觉更像是自然景观的一部分。由天然岩石制成的大块形成了房屋其余部分的基础。

timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos


timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos


timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos

timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos

timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos

timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos

timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos

timber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectostimber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectostimber facades and sheltering eaves define casa del bosque by A20 arquitectos
